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Ankle and Foot

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What are the contents of the tarsal tunnel

T - Tibialis posterior D - Flexor Digitorum A - Posterior Tibial Artery V - vein N - Tibial Nerve H - Flexor Hallucis Longus

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14 questions
What are the contents of the tarsal tunnel
T - Tibialis posterior D - Flexor Digitorum A - Posterior Tibial Artery V - vein N - Tibial Nerve H - Flexor Hallucis Longus
What type of joint is the ankle and what does it articulate with
Synovial hinge joint between the talus, tibia and fibula
What are the different ligaments of the foot
Medial Collateral Ligament and Deltoid ligament complex --> damaged by excess eversion since it prevents hypereversion, made up of anterior/posterior tibiotalar ligament, tibionavicular ligament and the tibiocalcaneal ligamnet Lateral Collateral Ligaments ( x3 ) made of the Anterior Talofibular, Posterior Talofibular and Calcneofibular ligament --> prevents excess inversion but can be damaged more easily than the medial collateral ligament
What does malleolar fracture cause?
Pain and swelling, unable to weight bear and pain on palpation
What is Valgus and Varus?
Valgus --> pointing away from the midlinne ( distal part of the joint ) Varus --> pointing towards the midline
What are the locations of the 5 nerves of the foot ( plantar side )
Main is tibial --> medial and lateral plantar branches of from the tibial nerve Medial plantar --> All digits except half of 4th digit and 5th digit Lateral plantar --> half of 4th and 5th digits Saphenous --> medial side of the plantar foot Sural --> Lateral side of the plantar foot is sural Tibial --> sole of the foot Dorsal side --> superficial peroneal nerve
What is the locations of the nerves in the dorsal side of the foot
Most of it is the superficial peroneal nerve except the 1st and 2nd digits middle part which is deep peroneal nerve Sural is lateral side without any digits Saphenous is medial side without any digits
What is in the layer 1 of the intrinsic muscles
Flexor Digitorum brevis Adductor Hallucis Abductor digiti minimi
Layer 2 of the intrinsic muscle
Flexor hallucis longus Lumbricals Quadratus plantae Flexor digitorum longus
Layer 3 of the intrinsic muscle
Flexor hallucis brevis with sesamoids Flexor digit minimi brevis Adductor hallucis Oblique head
Layer 4 of the intrinsic muscles
Interossei Peronues longus Tibialis posterior
What artery and nerve supplies the plantar foot?
Lateral and medial plantar nerves supply the plantar foot Posterior tibial artery branches off into medial and lateral plantar arches which supply the blood
What happens if the foot arches are damaged/weakened
Can predispose the patient to pes planus ( flat foot )