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Histology of the Urinary System

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What epithelium is in the PCT

Large simple cuboidal epithelium Contains microvilli Contains mitochondria to produce energy for active transport

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13 questions
What epithelium is in the PCT
Large simple cuboidal epithelium Contains microvilli Contains mitochondria to produce energy for active transport
What are some features of renal epithelia
Squamous --> easy diffusion and filtration Cuboidal --> active transport Can contain tight junctions --> different junctions have different permeability to water and solutes so some can be classified as tight leaky junctions
What are the 2 types of nephrons
Cortical nephron --> shorter and the glomerulus is further from the cortex Juxtamedullary nephrons --> longer and the glomerulus is closer
What epithelium is in the DCT
Small simple cuboidal epithelium No microvilli Fewer mitochondria
What epithelium is in the Loop of Henle
Simple sqaumous to allow passive flux in the thin ascending and desecending Simple cuboidal in the thick ascending and descending --> To allow active recovery of Na+/Cl-
What is the macula densa
This is a thickened region of ductal epithelia where the DCT passes close to the vascular pole of the glomerulus These cells sense rise in Na+ which leads to triggers the synthesis of adenosine which then triggers Ca2+ to be released which causes smooth muscle contraction in the afferent arterioles which restricts blood flow and leads to reduced Na+ conc which shuts of the vasoconstrictive signal
What epithelium in the collecting duct
Small simple cuboidal epithelium Few mitochondria No microvilli
In the renal corpuscle what is the urinary and vascular pole
Vascular pole --> where the afferent and efferent arterioles leave and enter the renal corpuscle Urinary pole --> otherwise known as the tubular pole is where the filtrate leaves the corpuscle and enters the PCT
What are the 3 levels of filtration
Fenestrated endothelium prevent passage of blood cells and platelets The basement membrane to prevent passage of proteins Filtration slit diaphragms between pedicels restricting small proteins and organic anions
What do the cells of the macula densa do
Basically they contain osmoreceptors that sense changes in Na+ conc They basically stimulate contraction of the Juxtaglomerular cells which decreases blood flow hence there is less Na+ conc in the DCT which negatively feedbacks to shut off the signal
What hormone acts on the collecting duct
Antidiuretic hormone which stimulates type 2 aquaporins to locate in the cell membrane allowing reabsorption of water
Where can transitional epithelium be found
Renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and the proximal parts of the urethra
Ureter features
Ureters are pair of muscular tubes that deliver urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder Each ureter is comprised of : A mucosa → transitional epithelium Circular and longitudinal layers of smooth muscle Adventitia Muscular contraction ( peristalsis ) of the wall conveys the movement of urine