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Introduction to Psychology, Health and Medicine

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What is the WHO definition of health

Health is the state of physical, social and mental well being and not only the absence of disease

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13 questions
What is the WHO definition of health
Health is the state of physical, social and mental well being and not only the absence of disease
What type of relationship does physical and psychological wellbeing have
Circular manner --> each symptoms influences each other and can cause each other to worsen e.g. Cardiovascular disease and depression worsen each other
Why does Psychology matter to medicine?
Can help diagnose and treat patients effectively --> 40% of GP consultations are psychological symptoms More personalized medicine Can improve health promotion Can help manage stress/emotions Changing beliefs and understanding
Difference between illness and disease
Illness --> subjective perception of change in the structure or function of the body that gives concern Disease --> objective observable change in bodily structure or function A illness is not always caused by a disease, it can be caused by psychological factors/social factors
What are examples of Psychological factors affecting illnesses
Fears Low or anxious moods e.g. exaggerated concern about having brain tumour Focussing of attention on symptoms e.g. I always listen to my body
What are examples of Social factors affecting illnesses
Common beliefs in society e.g. chest pain is dangerous When other people have died e.g. my son had that and died What doctors say e.g. ' its probably nothing or it might be fatal
What are all the different approaches to Behavioral changes
Health Belief Model Transtheoretical model COM-B model Motivation Interviewing Making Every contact count
What is the Health Belief Model
HBM is the likelihood of changing behavior is determined by the percieved threat of the current situation to change the behavior of the person
How effective are fear appealsl?
Generally not that effective since they don't change the persons belief and the person ignores the message since it seems to distressing
What are the different stages of Transtheoretical model
Precontemplation → person not even considering changing behavior Contemplation → beginning to consider in the next 6 months Preparation → Preparing to change in the next 30 days Action → making the change in the short term ( 6 months ) Maintenance → change is consolidated and maintained long term and can lead to stable lifestyle Relapse → reverting back to old behavior
What is motivation interviewing?
Empathetic therapist strives to experience the world from the client's view instead of seeing it as a doctor Does not install motivation in the patient rather than make them find it themselves
What is making every contact count ( MECC )
This is an approach that uses millions of day-day interactions that individuals have with other people to support them in making positive changes
What is the COM-B model?
Capability --> provision and physical strategies to engage behavioral change e.g. education Opportunity --> education on available opportunities e.g. nicotine patches Motivation --> using incentives e.g. Beneifts of quiting smoking