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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

都内 tônaiwithin the city of Tokyo
市内 shînaiwithin a city (which is a toshi)
町 machitown, small city
村 murâvillage
成田 Nârita(name of international airport and city north of Tokyo)
羽田 Haneda(name of airport in Tokyo [mostly domestic])
行くのには ikû no ni wafor going
通う kayou /-u; kayotta/go to and from, run between, commute (go to school/work)
リムジンバス rimújin-bàsulimousine bus(shuttle bus to-and-from airport)
ハイヤー hâiyaataxi available for hire (usu more upscale)
使うのが便利だ tsukáù no ga bênri dausing [it] is convenient
行ったほう ítta hòuthe alternative of having gone
確か tâshika /na/certain, positive, reliable
電車で行った方が確かだ deńsha de itta hòu ga tâshika dait's more reliable to go (lit. have gone) by train
五時ごろって言うの go-jí-gòro tte iû nowhat is designated (called) as "about 5 o'clock"
持っていくのが大変だ mótte (i)kù no ga ‘taihen dataking [it] is difficult/a pain
多い oôi/ôoi /-katta/are many; are frequent
少ない sukúnaì /-katta/are few, are rare; are infrequent
二個 ni-kotwo pieces (any general object)
箱 hakoa box
一個 ik-koone piece
スーツケースの一つ suútsukèesu no hitô-tsuone of the suitcases
重い omoi /-katta/is heavy
軽い karui /-katta/is light
ものすごい monósugòi /-katta/is dreadful, awful
ものすごく重い monósugòku omoiis awfully heavy
自分で持っていくより jibún de motte (i)kù yorimore than taking by oneself
宅急便 takkyuubin/special delivery service/ (aka kuroneko 'blackcat' from the logo)
宅配便 takuhaibin(home) delivery service
頼んだ方 tanônda houthe alternative of having requested
頼んだ方が楽だ tanônda hôu ga rakû dait's easier to request (lit. have requested)
電話一本で deńwa ìp-pon deby means of one phone call
運ぶ hakobu /-u; hakonda/transport, carry
届く todoku /-u; todoita/be delivered, reach, extend
届ける todókèru /ru; todoketa/deliver [something]
ゴールデンウイーク goóruden-uìikuGolden Week (Holidays from April 29-May 5)
するつもりだ surú tsumori dà[I] plan to do
四五日 shi-gô-nichi4 or 5 days
出よう deyôumight/shall go out /direct-style volitional-consultative/
出ようと思う deyôu to omouI think I'll leave
込む kômu /-u; kônda/become crowded, congested, filled up
個 ・ 箇 -kocounter for general (small) things
何個 nan-kohow many things
六個 rok-ko6 things
七個 nana-ko / shichi-ko7 things
五個 go-ko5 things
百個 (hyak-ko)100 things
三十個 (sanjik-ko / sanjuk-ko)30 things (2 ways)
天皇誕生日 tennou tanjoubiEmperors birthday (holiday)
憲法記念日 kenpou kinenbiconstitution day (part of goldenweek)
子供の日 (kodomo no hi)children's day (part of goldenweek)
休日 kyuujitsuholiday
旅行する ryokou-suruto travel
旅行に出る ryokóu ni dèruleave on a trip
行った方がいい ítta hòu ga îiit's better to go; the alternative of having gone is better
車で行く方が早い kúruma de iku hòu ga hayâiit's faster to go by car
段ボール箱 (danbouru-bako)cardboard box
これを読むより面白い koré wo yomù yori omóshiròi(more) interesting than reading this (one) (more) interesting to read than this (one)
荷物が多い nîmotsu ga ôoithere are many suitcases; lots of (numerous) luggage
つもり tsumoriintention; plan; purpose; expectation / belief; assumption