Latin Vocabulary #2
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Carcer, carceris, m. (noun) | Jail, prison |
Quantumlibet (conjunction) | However much |
Sic (adverb) | Thus |
Ex(s)ul, ex(s)ulis, m. or. f. (noun) | (lit.: away from native soil), banished person |
Maereo, maerere, maerui, --- (verb) | To mourn, grieve |
Celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratum (verb) | To do something frequently, honor |
Fraus, fraudis, f. (noun) | Deceit, cheating |
Cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum (verb) | To go, yield |
Fugio, fugere, fugi, (fugiturus) (verb) | To flee, shun |
Tu, tui, tibi, te, te (pronoun) | Thou, you |
Huc (adverb) | Hither |
Rapidus, rapida, rapidum (adjective) | Fast, vehement |
Almus, alma, almum (adjective) | Nourishing, bountiful, kind |
Castus, casta, castum (cf. careo) (adjective) | Free from, unstained, chaste |
Dirus, dira, dirum (adjective) | Unlucky, fearful, dread |
Pastor, pastoris, m. (noun) | Shepherd |
Poculum, poculi, n. (noun) | Drinking bowl |
Tuus, tua, tuum (adjective) | Thy, thine, your, yours |
Vicinus, vicina, vicinum (adjective) | Neighbouring |
Versus (preposition) | Toward |
Quo (adverb) | Whither |
Nemus, nemoris, n. (noun) | Forest pasture, grove |
Thalamus or thalamos, thalami, m. (noun) | Inner room, bedchamber, marriage |
Dum (conjunction) | While, as long as, until |
Periurium, periurii, n. (noun) | False oath, perjury |
Ut (conjunction) | Though, suppose, whereas |
Proicio, proicere, proieci, proiectum (verb) | To fling forth, extend forward |
Corripio, corripere, corripui, correptum (verb) | To seize, snatch |
Niveus, nivea, niveum (adjective) | Snowy, snow-white |
Triumphus, triumphi, m. (noun) | Victory procession, triumph |
Precor, precari, precatus sum (verb) | To ask, pray |
Statim (adverb) | Immediately |
Dubius, dubia, dubium (< duo + habeo) (adjective) | (lit.: held two ways), doubtful, uncertain |
Ago, agere, egi, actum (verb) | To put in motion, drive, conduct |
Lucidus, lucida, lucidum (adjective) | Bright, translucent |
Tener, tenera, tenerum (adjective) | Tender, delicate |
Famulus, famuli, m. (noun) | Servant |
Teneo, tenere, tenui, --- (verb) | To have, hold |
Lacus, lacus, m. (noun) | Basin, pond |
Quandoquidem (conjunction) | Since indeed, inasmuch as |
Classis, classis, f. (noun) | (lit.: people called together), rank, fleet |
Germanus, germana, germanum (adjective) | Born of the same parents, genuine |
Obiceo, obicere, obieci, obiectum (verb) | To throw in the way, oppose |
Foris, foris, f. (noun) | (leaf of a) door |
Cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum (verb) | To see, sift |
Passus, passus, m. (noun) | Pace, step, stride |
Struo, struere, struxi, structum (verb) | To pile up, build |
Aut…aut (conjunction) | Either…or |
Praeceps, praecipitis (adjective) | Headlong, steep |
Quasi (adverb) | As it were, about |
Error, erroris, m. (noun) | Perplexity, mistake |
Fines, finium, m. (noun) | Territory, country |
Rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum (verb) | To snatch, rob |
Caelestis, caeleste (adjective) | Heavenly, divine |
Pariter (adverb) | Equally, alike |
Sermo, sermonis, m. (noun) | Talk, conversation, discourse |
Depono, deponere, deposui, depositum (verb) | To put down |
Ars, artis, f. (noun) | (lit.: the craft of fitting things), skill, art |
Gigno, gignere, genui, genitum (verb) | To beget, produce |
Circa (preposition) | Around |
Mitis, mite (adjective) | Soft, sweet, mild |
Sonitus, sonitus, m. (noun) | Noise, sound |
Atque (conjunction) | But, on the contrary |
Magnitudo, magnitudinis, f. (noun) | Great size |
Prius…quam (conjunction) | Before |
Quoniam (conjunction) | Because |
Coma, comae. f. (noun) | Hair of the head, mane |
Firmus, firma, firmum (adjective) | Solid, strong |
Ut primum (conjunction) | As soon as |
Prout (conjunction) | Like as, according as |
Solitudo, solitudinis, f. (noun) | Solitariness, loneliness |
Sacer, sacra, sacrum (adjective) | Consecrated, sacred |
No, nare, navi, --- (verb) | Swim, float |
Circum (preposition) | Around |
Vir, viri, m. (noun) | Man, adult male, |
Infelix, infelicis (adjective) | Unhappy, unfortunate |
Contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractum (verb) | To draw together, cause to shrink |
Quando (conjunction) | Whenever, while |
Praesidium, praesidii, n. (noun) | Protection, stronghold |
Versus, versus, m. (noun) | (lit.: one turn of the plough), line, verse |
Vacuus, vacuus, vacumm (adjective) | Empty, free from |
Lenis, lene (adjective) | Slow, soft, mild |
Quoque (adverb) | Also, too, likewise |
Laeva, laevae, f. (noun) | Left hand |