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In English

Created by:
Haley Tanne

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Origin:Inferior Skull, spinous process T1-6 Insertion: Transverse process (c1-c4), mastoid process and occipital bone Action: extend (bilaterally) and laterally flex (unilaterally) head and neck Innervation: Cervical and thoracic Dorsal Rami
Origin:Inferior Skull, spinous process T1-6
Insertion: Transverse process (c1-c4), mastoid process and occipital bone
Action: extend (bilaterally) and laterally flex (unilaterally) head and neck
Innervation: Cervical and thoracic Dorsal Rami

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Origin:Inferior Skull, spinous process T1-6 Insertion: Transverse process (c1-c4), mastoid process and occipital bone Action: extend (bilaterally) and laterally flex (unilaterally) head and neck Innervation: Cervical and thoracic Dorsal Rami
Origin:Iliac crest, posterior sacrum, inferior lumbar, and sacral spinous processes Insertion: Angles of the ribs and transverse process (c4-c6) Action: extend vertebral column (bilaterally), laterally flex vertebral column(unilaterally) Innervation: Cervical and thoracic Dorsal Rami
Origin:Origin:Iliac crest, posterior sacrum, inferior lumbar, and sacral spinous processes Insertion: Transverse processes of cervical and Thoracic, mastoid processes Action: Extend head and neck (bilaterally), laterally flex head/neck (Unilaterally) Innervation: Cervical and thoracic dorsal Rami
Origin:Origin:Iliac crest, posterior sacrum, inferior lumbar, and sacral spinous processes Insertion: Spinous processes of cervical and thoracic Action: Extend vertebral column (bilaterally), Laterally flex vertebral column (unilaterally) Innervation: Cervical and thoracic dorsal Rami
Origin: Transverse Processes of Cervical and Thoracic Insertion: Spinous Processes of vertebrae 6-7 (superior to origin), Back of skull Action: Extend head and neck (bilaterally), Laterally flex head and neck (Unilaterally) Innervation: Cervical and thoracic dorsal Rami
Origin: Transverse processes of (C2) through Sacral vertebrae Insertion: Spinous Processes 2-3 segments superior to origin Action: Extend Vertebral Column (bilaterally), laterally flex vertebral column (unilaterally) Innervation: Dorsal Rami of the Spinal Nerves
Rectus Abdominus
Origin: Pubic Bone Insertion: Sternum and costal Cartilages of ribs 5-7 Action: Compress abdominal viscera and flex trunk innervation: Thoracic and Ventral Rami
External Oblique
Origin: Lower 8 ribs Insertion: Iliac Crest and Linea Alba (rectus Sheath) Action: Compress/support abdominal Viscera (organs), flex and rotate trunk Innervation: Thoracic Ventral Rami
Internal Oblique
Origin: thoracolumbar Fascia, iliac crest, Inguinal Ligament Insertion: Ribs 10-12, Linea Alba (rectus Sheath) Action: Compress/support Abdominal Viscera (organs), flex and rotate trunk Innervation: Thoracic and Lumbar ventral rami
Transversus Abdominus
Origin: Thoracolumbar Fascia, Iliac Crest, Lower 6 ribs, Inguinal Ligament Insertion: Linea Alba (rectus Sheath) Action: Compress and support abdominal viscera Innervation: thoracic and lumbar ventral Rami
Quadratus Lumborum
Origin: Iliac Crest Insertion: Transverse Processes of Lower Lumbar Vertebrae, Rib 12 Action: Extend Vertebral Column (bilaterally), Laterally flex vertebral Column (unilaterally) Innervation: Thoracic and Lumbar Ventral Rami
Diaphragm *Not Hypaxial*
Origin: Xiphoid Process, Coastal Cartilages (ribs 7-12), Lumbar Vertebrae, and intervertebral discs Insertion: The central tendon Action: Contraction moves inferiorly and decreases pressure in thoracic cavity (INHALATION) Innervation: Phrenic Nerve
External Intercostals
Origin: 11 pairs of muscles attached to ribs (intercostal spaces)–same direction as the external Oblique Insertion: Same as origin Action: Elevates Rib cage Innervation: Thoracic ventral Rami
Internal Intercostals
Origin: 11 pairs of muscles attached to ribs (intercostal Spaces)–Same direction as INTERNAL oblique Insertion: Same as s origin Action: Depress rib cage (forces expiration) Innervation: Thoracic Ventral Rami
Transversus Thoracis
Origin: Posterior surface of Sternum Insertion: Internal surface of Costal Cartilages 2-6 Action: Mild depression of ribs (exhale) Innervation: Thoracic Ventral Rami
Scalenes *Not hypaxial*
Origin: Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae Insertion: Ribs 1 and 2 Action: Assists in deep inhalation. Flex, laterally, and rotate head Innervation: Cervical Spinal Nerves
Origin: Anterior Surface of the Sacrum Insertion: Greater Trochanter (of Femur) Action: Laterally rotates thigh at hip Innervation: Major Nerve of the Sacral Plexus
Origin: Superior Ramus of Pubis Insertion: Posterior Femur (Just inferior to lesser trochanter) Action: Adducts and Flexes thigh at hip Innervation: Obturator Nerve
Adductor Longus
Origin: Anterior Pubis near Symphysis Insertion: Linea Aspera Action: Adducts Thigh at hip Innervation: Obturator Nerve
Adductor Brevis
Origin: Anterior Pubis and Inferior ramus of Pubis Insertion: Proximal Linea Aspera Action: Adducts thigh at hip Innervation: Obturator Nerve
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Medial Surface of proximal Tibia Action: Adducts thigh at hip and flexes leg at knee Innervation: Obturator Nerve
Adductor Magnus ***
Origin: Inferior ramus of Pubis, Ischial Ramus, and Ischial Tuberosity Insertion: Linea Aspera; posterior Femur, (small part splits off and inserts on )ADDUCTOR TUBERCLE Action: Adducts and extends thigh at hip (small part) Innervation: Obturator Nerve, (small part) Sciatic Nerve
Psoas Major
Origin: Bodies and Transverse Processes of of Lumbar Vertebrae Insertion: Lesser Trochanter (femur) Action: Flexes thigh at the hip Innervation: Lumbar Ventral Rami
Origin: Iliac Fossa Insertion: Lesser Trochanter (femur) Action: Flexes thigh at hip Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Posterior Ilium, Sacrum, Sacrotuberous ligament, Coccyx Insertion: Iliotibial Tract and gluteal Tuberosity (femur) Action, Extends and laterally rotates the thigh at hip Innervation: Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Gluteus Medius
Origin: lateral surface of the ilium Insertion: Greater Trochanter Action: Abducts thigh at hip Innervation:: Superior Gluteal Nerve
Gluteus Minimus
Origin: Lateral Surface of Ilium (inferior to gluteus Medius) Insertion: Greater Trochanter Action: Abducts and medially rotates hip Innervation: Superior Gluteal Nerve
Tensor Fasciae Latae (and Iliotibial Tract)
Origin: Iliac Crest and ASIS Insertion: Iliotibial Tract Action: Abducts and flexes thigh at the hip Innervation: Superior Gluteal Nerve
Sartorius *antagonist*
Origin: ASIS Insertion: Medial Surface of Proximal Tibia Action: Flexes and laterally rotates thigh at hip, flexes leg at knee Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Rectus Femoris *prime mover*
Origin: AIIS Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity (Patellar Tendon) Action: Flexes thigh at hip, extends leg at the knee Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Lateralis *synergist*
Origin: (Lateral Margin) Linea Aspera and Greater Trochanter Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity (via patellar tendon) Action: Extends leg at knee Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Medialis
Origin: Medial Margin of Linea Aspera Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity (via patellar Tendon) Action: Extends leg at the knee Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Intermedius
Origin: Anterior and lateral surfaces of the Femur Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity (Patellar Tendon) Action: Extends leg at the knee Innervation: Femoral nerve
Tensor Vastus Intermedius (top of vastus Lateralis)
Origin: Between Intertrochanteric line and greater trochanter (of femur) Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity (patellar tendon) Action, extends leg at knee Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Biceps Femoris
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity Insertion: Head of Fibula Action: Extend thigh at hip, flex leg at knee Innervation: Sciatic Nerve
Long head (Part of Biceps Femoris)
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity Insertion: Head of Fibula Action: Extend thigh at hip, flex leg at knee Innervation: Sciatic Nerve
Short Head (Biceps Femoris)
Origin: Linea Aspera Insertion: Head of Fibula Action: Extend thigh at hip, flex leg at knee Innervation: Sciatic Nerve
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity Insertion: Posterior medial surface of medial Condyle (Tibia) Action: Extend thigh at hip, flex leg at knee Innervation: Sciatic Nerve
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity Insertion: Medial Surface of proximal Tibia Action: Extend thigh at hip, flex leg at knee Innervation: Sciatic Nerve
Origin: Posterior surface of medial and lateral epicondyles (femur) Insertion: Posterior Calcaneus (via Achilles Tendon) Action: Flexes leg at knee, Plantar flex foot Innervation: tibial nerve
Origin: Posterior surface of femur Proximal to lateral epicondyle Insertion: Posterior Calcaneus (via Achilles Tendon) Action: flex leg at the knee, plantar flex foot Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Origin: Posterior surface of proximal Tibia and Fibula Insertion: Posterior Calcaneus (via Achilles Tendon) Action: Plantar Flex Foot Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Tibialis Posterior *Tom*
Origin: Posterior surface of Tibia, Fibula, Interosseous Membrane Insertion: Navicular, Cuneiforms, Metatarsals 2-4 Action: Plantar flexes and inverts foot Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Posterior Surface of Middle Tibia Insertion: Distal Phalanges of toes 2-5 Action: Plantar flexes foot, and flexes toes 2-5 Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Flexor Hallucis Longus *Harry*
Origin: Posterior Surface of Distal Fibula Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux Action: Plantar Flexes foot, Flexes Big toes Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Fibularis Longis
Origin: Lateral Surface of Proximal Fibula Insertion: Metatarsal 1 and medial Cuneiform Action: Plantar Flex and Evert Foot Innervation: Common Fibular Nerve
Fibularis Brevis
Origin: Lateral Surface of distal Fibula Insertion: Dorsal Surface of Metatarsal 5 Action: Plantar Flexes and Evert Foot Innervation: Common Fibular Nerve
Tibialis Anterior *Tina*
Origin: Lateral Surface of Proximal Tibia Insertion: Metatarsal 1 and Medial Cuneiform Action: Dorsiflex and Invert Foot Innervation: Common Fibular Nerve
Extensor Digitorum Longus *Diane*
Origin: Anterior Surface of Fibula and Interosseous Membrane Insertion: Distal phalanges of toes 2-5 Action: Dorsiflex and extend toes 2-5 Innervation: Common Fibular Nerve
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin: Anterior surface of Fibula and Interosseous Membrane Insertion: Distal Phalanx of Hallux Action: Dorsiflex foot and extend Hallux Innervation: Common Fibular Nerve