Weimar republic revision
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87 questions
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Who was the new chancellor? | Friedrich Ebert |
What party was Ebert from ? | The social democratic party (SPD) |
What does Ebert do in January 1919? | Sacks Eichhorn (cheif of berlin) who was popular amongst workers, so they protested |
Who were the spartacists? | A left-wing party |
Who led the spartacists? | Rosa Luexemburg and Karl Liekknect |
What did the spartacists want? | To establish communism in Germany and destroy the Weimar republic. |
What happened on the 6th of January 1919? | 100,000 workers match to protest and took over government newspaper and telegraph. |
What was wrong with the spartacits uprising? | They didn't get the support they needed from the other left-wing parties |
What did Ebert do to stop the Spartacists? | Ordered right-wing soldiers into the Freikorps units. (ex-army men) |
What happened on the 15th of January 1919? | Rosa and Karl were murdered, so the movement had no leaders which wounded them. |
What happened for the next 4 months with the Freikorps ? | They crushed all left-wing uprisings, killed thousands of communist supporters. |
Why was it a risk for Ebert to use Freikorps? | The government was now in the hands of the army and the Freikorps, they were not loyal |
What is the stab in the back myth? | The army felt that they were stabbed in the back by weak politicians because they thought that they have never lost the war. |
One reason why the Germans thought they were going to get an easier treaty? | The Kaiser was gone and they had a new democratic government |
One reason why the Germans thought they were going to get an easier treaty? | The new republic needed support, they assumed the allies would help them. |
One reason why the Germans thought they were going to get an easier treaty? | Wilson believed in a fair treaty, he believed that Germany to not have a too harsh treaty |
One reason why the Germans thought they were going to get an easier treaty? | Germans believed all countries should be blamed for the war, Germany believed they were forced into war |
Why was the government in Weimar? | Berlin was too violent |
What happened on November 9th 1918 | The Kaiser abdicated and left to Netherlands. |
Why was Ebert not enough to change the republic? | All of the Kaiser's people were left in the government and they didn't want the new government and the idea of democracy |
Who didn't agree with the new government? | The rich people didn't agree with the new idea and that's a problem and the Freikorps weren't on board with the idea |
What was the president in charge of? | Controls the military, appoints judges in court, choosing the chancellor |
What is the chancellor in charge of? | Chooses Government ministers and the Reichstag |
What is the Reichstag? | The parliament, proportional repersentations |
What was the red rising? | Workers strike in the Ruhr, 50,000 to 80,000 left-wing workers. The largest armed worker uprising in the nations history. |
How long did the Ruhr uprising last? | 13th March - 2nd April 1920 |
What was the threat from the right-wing party? | The Kapp Putsch |
When was the Kaap Putsch? | March 1920 |
What did the aftermath of the treaty do to the Kaap Putsch ? | They hated the treaty and they blamed the Weimer government and they hated the tightest restrictions. Especially the army |
What happened March 1920? | Freikorps and army units, led by Wolfgang Kapp, marched in Berlin and declared and new government. |
Why was the Kaap Putsch bad for the Weimer Government? | It made them look stupid, that an old army with guns to take over the government |
How did Ebert take action against the friekorps uprising? | He asked the workers to go on strike, which they did because they don't want anymore violence. And seeing as Berlin was a powerhouse for products, this wounded the Freikorps idea and then the government brought reinforcements. |
Strengths of the Weimar constitution? | All Germans had equal rights, proportional representation, each state can keep their own traditions |
Weakness of the Weimar constitution? | Had many enemies, proportional representation meant that small parties could, president has to much power, could be hostile to the rational government. |
What was wrong with proportional representation? | It took a long time to make a decisions, and party that made similar values made coalitions |
What was article 48? | Emergency decisions, without the Reichstag |
What was article 25? | They could dissolve the Reichstag |
What was the economic impact of the Treaty on Germany? | Found it hard to pay the reparations, and they ran out money and they started to print more money, which caused hyperinflation. |
Why did the French invade the Ruhr ? | Germany was not keeping up with paying goods like coal, so they invaded the Ruhr were most of the goods and factories were. |
How did respond to the invasion of the Ruhr? | Told the workers to on a strike, passive resistance which meant the French didn't have much to take. |
How did the French respond to the strike of workers? | Brought in their own workers but also ended up killing 9 people |
When was the invasion of the Ruhr? | 9th January 1923 |
How did hyperinflation have an affect on people? | All their live savings where now worthless and now it meant nothing |
How much money was in circulation after the war? And how much higher was that since the start of the war. | Had increased by 400%, 140% higher than the start of the war |
How did Hitler take over the NSDAP? | He kicked out the other leader, and he gained a lot of popularity that allowed him to climb the ranks |
Why was Hitler famous for his speeches? | They were very persuasive and people (even if they didn't support him) came to see him speak because they were interesting. |
What was the 25 point programme? | It mixed together all beliefs of other parties and cultures, so this meant that someone at least agreed with at least one point. Everyone agreed that they should abolish the Treaty. |
Why did the wealthy people support the NSDAP? | The wealthy people thought that they could control Hitler with their money, and Hitler let them believe that so they funded the party. |
When was the Munich Putsch? | November 8 1923 |
Why did Hitler want to take over the government in Bavaria? | To show that he had enough power (but he didnt) and he attacked Bavaria because it would launch a larger revolution on the Weimar republic |
Who took over the government building with Hitler? | The storm troopers |
Why did the Munich Putsch not work? | The government fought back and they were too weak and too small. |
What violence happened Munich Putsch? | 16 Nazi's were killed and Hitler was arrested. |
When was Hitler's trial? | February 1924 |
What was Hitler accused of in his trial? | He was accused of high treason |
What did Hitler do in the trial? | He used it as an opportunity to make his speeches, he treated it like a publicity stunt |
What was Hitler's sentence? | 5 years in Landsberg prison, which was a luxury prison |
Why did Hitler get such a light sentence? | He managed to justify his actions as a defense to communists. The guards in prison obeyed him and he used his time to write the book 'Mein Kampf' |
Who was Joseph Goebbels? | He was the Nazi party propaganda director, he played into the publics emotions with the propaganda. |
When was the golden years? | 1924-1928 |
What did Stresemann do for the economy? | Burnt all the money from hyperinflation that was worthless and started a new currency |
What was the Dawes plan? And what did it do for Germany? | A loan from the US of 800 million marks, it help them recover their economy |
Why was the Dawes plan a 'failure'? | They were in debt to America, and they could ask for the money back at any time, especially with the great depression. |
What happened to production in 1928? | Production returned to pre-WW1 levels, making Germany the 2nd largest economy. |
What was a still a problem with unemployment? | Still 1 million people were unemployed and it rose in 1928 |
What did they do for the working class? | There were higher wages for the working class |
What was the agriculture problem? | Germany was spending more money on imports rather than exports, they should have put money into help with farming seeing as hunger was still a problem. |
Why did the public not like Germany joining the League? | They were still upset over the Treaty of Versailles, and the fact that they had lost the war, it made them look weak. |
When did Germany sign the Locarno pact? | December 1925 |
What was the Locarno pact? | To secure the boarders, especially with France Demilitarize the Rhineland And join the League of nations |
Why was the Locarno pact a failure? | Territorial loss of land, made Germany look weak |
What was the culture like for women and sexuality? | It was far more developed with these ideas, like woman could vote, unlike the UK at the time |
What was the theme of the new German art? | War and scenes witnessed at war and politics |
What did German cinema rival with? | Hollywood |
What was a 'failure' with the culture change | Outside of the big cities like Berlin, it wasn't excepted because it wasn't traditional, especially with the older generation and the church |
After the Munich Putsch what did Hitler learn? | He could not take it by force, he would have to work within the democratic system to take power |
Who did Hitler target with propaganda and why? | The farmers because they were most hurt by the government's policies and it was the NSDAP and it had a sense of socialism |
How did the nazi party use the radio? | They used the radio to persuade people and meet the masses quickly |
Who were in the SS? | Unemployed people and ex army men from the war |
What happened in the vote for 1928? | Got only 3% of the votes, smaller than the communist party |
Why were the majority of the workers looking to support left? | Their wages has risen during the golden years and they weren't interested in a far right-wing party |
What did Stressmann do for the foreign policy? | Dawes plan helped them get along with Britain and France again France withdrawal from the Ruhr, the young plan The locrano pact, get on good terms with France especially |
Why did Germany suffer from hyperinflation, 2 reasons? | Reperations of the treaty of Versailles and worker strike in the Ruhr |