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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

transductionstimulus converted into nerve impulses
absolute thresholdlowest intensity of stimulus which can be detected 50% of the time
signal detection theoryfactors that influence sensory detection
difference thresholddifference between two stimuli that can be detected 50% of the time
Weber's Lawdifference threshold directly proportional to magnitude of stimulus
difference threshold for weights1/50
True or False: The Lens reverses an image from right to left and top to bottom when presented to the retina, the brain then corrects this image.true
Amy has just walked into a dark cinema and needs a few minutes to adjust to the reduced light. What photoreceptors are needed to adjust to the new environment?rods
you walk into an art exhibition and notice many paintings with a rich abundance of bright fluorescent colours. Which photoreceptors are more useful for appreciating these paintings?rod
rods mainly occupy the ... area of the retinacentral
foveaarea in the centre of retina, packed with cones
rods and cones connect to ... and ... cellsbipolar; ganglion
photopigments turn....light waves into nerve impulses
trichomatic theoryany colour created through combination of red, green, blue
Young-Helmholtz trichomatic theoryThree colour receptors: green, blue, red
Ewald Hering opponent process theoryblue-yellow
it has been found that opponent processing occurs not through ... activation but during ... activationganglion cell; cone
frequencynumber of wave cycles per second
amplitudevertical size of the sound waves
as soon as i walked into the opera i noticed a woman singing in an extremely high-pitched voice. her tone had high....frequency
cochleafluid filled tube in the inner ear
Basilar membranesheet of tissue runs length of cochlea
organs of cortisheet of tissue that rests on Basilar Membrane
frequency theory of pitch perceptionsound waves are matched by nerve impulses
place theory of pitch perceptionfrequency dictates where wave peak
conduction deafnessproblems with mechanical system that transmits sound waves to the cochlea
nerve deafnessdamaged receptors within inner ear or auditory nerve
Gustationsense of taste
olfactionsense of smell
taste budschemical receptors along the tongue
taste buds respond to four quantitiessweet, salty, sour, bitter
olfactory receptors occupy...upper part of nasal cavity
olfactory bulbforebrain structure above the nasal cavity
pheromoneschemical signals found in body scents
menstrual synchronywomen in close contact sometimes match menstrual cycles
humans experience four types of touch sensationspressure, pain, warmth, cold
these messages are conveyed by .... in the skinreceptors
phantom limb phenomenonfeeling pain in amputated part of body
Gate theoryopening and closing of gate mechanism determines level of pain
endorphinsblock neuro-transmission of pain impulses from spinal cord to brain
kinaesthesisfeedback about joint movements and position
vestibular sensesense of body orientation and equilibrium
central control mechanismnerve impulses from brain can influence pain impulse spreading
parvocellular pathway involves.... meanwhile the magnocellular pathway involves...colour and fine detail; motion and dim light
if i am struggling to hear someone speaking to me, i may use visual information of lip movement, this will help me, according to the....principle of inverse effectiveness