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level: anatomy-7td_chapter-1-7td-8cp

Questions and Answers List

level questions: anatomy-7td_chapter-1-7td-8cp

open sore in the lining of the stomach or DUODENUM. Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) is the bacteria responsible for peptic ulcer disease. The combination of the bacteria, hyperacidity,and gastric mice damages epithelial liningPetic Ulcer -Ulcers gastric ducoenal-pain
Cholelithiasis gall stones in the gallbladder. Calculi(stones) prevent bile from leaving the gallbladder and bile ducts. CHOLELITHIASIS-gallstones in the gallbladder CIRRHOSIS- chronic degenerative disease of the liver HEPATOCELLULAR CARINOMA(HCC) Liver Cancer PANCREATIC CANCER- malignant tutor of the pancreas PANCREATITIS-inflammation of the pancreas VIRAL HEPATISIS-inflammation of the liver caused by a virus.Gallstones
Different types of Hernia *inguinal Hernia *umbilical Hernia *Incisional Hernia *Hiatal HerniaHernias diagram
eating disorder where a person is deathly afraid of gaining any weight. has distorted self image, seeing themselves as overweight as they become thinner and thinner. Some literally starve themselves to death first experiences weakness, low blood pressure, anxiety, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and constipation, then menstruation in female sops, organ failure begins to occur and the skin dries out(becomes brittle) Hospitlaization becomes inevitable, including the force-feeding of patients and attempts at psychological therapyAnorexia nervosa
character by episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight controls(purging) are obsessed with their body shape and weight and they go a very restrictive diet. eventually lose control over their diet and begin to eat uncontrollably. Inappropriate methods of weight control include vomiting, fasting, ensemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretic dn compulsive exercisingBulimia Nervosa
Amylase and Lipase tests: tests for the levels of amylase and lipase enzymes in blood. Liver function test(LFT's) tests for enzymes and bilirubin in blood. Stool culture: test for microorganisms in stool Stool guaiac test or Hemooccult test-test to detect blood in fecLaboratory Tests
X -rays *Lower gastrointestinal series(barium enema) *Upper gastrointestinal series *Cholangiography *Computed tomography(CT Scan). next pageClinical procedures
Ultrasound examination *abdominal Ultrasongraphy *Endoscropic Ultrasongraphy(EUS) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Nuclear medicine test *Hepatobiliary imilodiacetic acid scan(HIDA SCAN)Clinical Procedures
Gastric bypass or bariatric surgery: reduces stomach size . Gastrointestinal endoscopy: visual examination of the GI tract Laparoscopy: visual examination of the abdomen. Liver biopsy: removal of liver tissue for microscopic examination. Nasogastric intubation: insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach Paracentesis(abdominocentesis) puncture to remove fluid from abdomen.Other procedures
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