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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

breathingwhat does pulmonary venilation mean
O2 and CO2 exchange between lungs and bloodwhat does external respiration mean
O2 and CO2 exhange between systemic blood vessels and tissueswhat does internal respiration mean
conducting zone, respiratory zone, respiratory muscleswhat are the anatomical structures of the respiratory system organized to
conduits to gas exchange sitesconducting zone
site of gas exchangerespiratory zone
diaphragm and other musclesrespiratory muscles
nasopharynx oropharynx laryngopharynxthree parts of pharynx
Upper section of respiratory tract. Conduction of air. Nasal cavity to Larynxwhat is the upper respiratory system
Lower section of respiratory tract. Gas exchange. Trachea to Alveoliwhat is the lower respiratory system
Nasal cavity  Nasopharynx  Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Larynx  Trachea  Primary Bronchi  (Lobar) Secondary bronchus  (Segmental) Tertiary bronchus Bronchiole  Terminal bronchiole (end of conducting zone) Respiratory Bronchiole (start of respiratory zone)  Alveolar duct  Alveolar sacs  AlveoliGive the flow of air from the nasal cavity all the way to the alveoli:
Area of Entry/Exit into the lungs for bronchi, arteries, veins and nervesWhat is the hilus?
Tertiary bronchi as it divides, decrease in size, becomes more smooth muscle and less cartilagewhat is the segmented bronchi
Left Smaller, has 2 lobes, oblique fissure, cardiac notch Right 3 lobes, oblique and horizontal fissuresContrast the right and the left lungs:
Three on the right; Two on the leftContrast the right and the left secondary bronchi:
rightWhich primary bronchi is shorter?
brochiolesWhich respiratory conduit contains no cartilage: the trachea, the bronchi, the bronchioles?
Nasal cavity - Nasopharynx : tissue: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epitheliumGive the changes in respiratory mucosa along the respiratory tract:
upper larynx: tissue : Stratified squamous epitheliumOropharynx
bronchioles: tissue: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar  stratified cuboidal few ciliaLower larynx
Simple squamous epithelial tissueExchange surface of lungs: tissue
Conduction of airFunction of the upper respiratory tract?
elastic cartilageepiglottis cartilage
hyalinecuneiform cartilage
Elastic fibers that connect arytenoid cartilage to thyroid cartilageWhat are the vocal cords?
• Site for gas exchangeDescribe the respiratory exchange surface
is a detergent like lipid that prevents alveolar collapse by reducing surface tension in alveolarexplain what is surfactant
Angiotensin-converting enzyme. Converts antiotensin 1 to antiotensin 2what is ACE
Fluid buildup in lungPleura effusion
: Procedure to remove fluid/air from pleural spaceThoracocentesis
Not enough oxygenHypoxia:
Absence of oxgenAnoxya
• Visceral is on external lung surface and moves interiorly to create lobules • Parietal on thoracic wall and superior surface of diaphragmExplain the relationship between the visceral and the parietal pleura
• is the space where lungs are located within the thoracic cavity.What is the pleural cavity?
is the fluid found between the visceral and parietal pleuraWhat is the pleural fluid?
Diaphragm & External intercostalsList the muscles of quiet inspiration
Diaphragm & External intercostalsList the muscles involved in quiet exhalation (muscles that relaxed)
Scalene, Pectoralis major, SternocleidomastoidList the muscles that are contracted during forced inspiration
Abdominal muscles & Internal intercostalsList the muscles that are contracted during forced exhalation
Respiratory muscles contract Thoracic volume increases Lungs are stretchedIntrapulmonary volume increases Intrapulmonary pressure drops  air moves into the lungs following the pressure gradient.Explain what happens to the volume and pressure in the lungs during inhalation
Inspiratory muscle relaxThoracic Volume Decrease Elastic lungs recoil and intrapulmonary volume decreases  air moves out of the lungs following the pressure gradient.explain what happens to the volume and pressure in the lungs during exhalation
Wound that admits air into pleural cavity. Causes atelectasisPneumothorax:
Collapsed alveoli (collapsed lungs): caused by collapsed bronchioles, or by a pneumothoraxAtelectasis
Breaths per minuteRespiratory rate
Volume of gas inhaled/exhaled per minuteRespiratory minute volume
Volume of air trapped in conducting zone (Not contribute to gas exchange). Fixed volume, it does not change.Anatomical dead space
The volume of air reaching the alveoli for gas exchangeAlveolar ventilation
A high respiratory rate with shallow breathing gives us more breaths but less air volume, and thus less alveolar ventilation. Whereas a slow respiratory rate, with deep breaths brings in more air to the alveoli. The reason for this is because the dead space volume is fixed, it does not change.What happens to the alveolar ventilation if the respiratory rate increases but the tidal volume decreases
(Tidal Volume) Amount of air inhaled/exhaled at normal rest conditionsTV
: (Inspiratory Capacity) Maximum amount of air that can be inspired after a normal expirationIC
(Vital Capacity) Maximum amount that can be expired after max inspiration: TV+IRV+ERVVC
: (Residual Volume) Air remaining in lungs after forced exhaleRV
(Inspiratory reserve volume) air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal TV exhaleIRV
: (Expiratory Residual Volume) Air that can be exhaled after a normal TV exhalationERV
(Total Lung Capacity) Maximum amount of air contained in lungs after max inspiration: TV+IRV+ERV+RVTLC
Gas exchange between capillaries and tissue- Internal Respiration
: Gas exchange between alveoli and capillaries- External Respiration
: resting respiratory rate (natural)- Eupnea
: Lung collapse Plugged bronchioles collapse of alveoli- Atelectasis
Movement or air in and out of the lungs (alveoli)- Ventilation:
Insufficient amount of surfacantWhat causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature babies.
It helps open up breathing passagesExplain why epinephrine is used during an asthma attack
Causes enlarged air sacs and off balances the surface tension of alveoli- shortness of breath. Because the elastic tissue of the lungs (alveoli) is damaged. Elastic tissue cannot recoil anymore.Explain how is compliance compromised in a condition called emphysema.
Chronic Bronchitis and EmphysemaChronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Give two examples of COPD.
1.5% of oxygen dissolved in plasmaWhat % of oxygen is carried dissolved in the plasma
98.5% carried by hemoglobin.what % is carried by hemoglobin
Hemoglobin combined with OxygenWhat is oxyhemoglobin
release- Under acidic conditions hemoglobin will (release/retain) -------------- O2
release- An increase of CO2 in tissues can be due to high tissue activity, this increase will cause hemoglobin to (release/retain) -------------- O2
increase- The Bohr effect: Acidic conditions (increase/decrease) --------- H+ levels.
releaseIn the presence of acidic conditions, Hemoglobin will (release/retain) -------------- O2 and capture H+ ions
release- Metabolic reactions give off heat, active cells give off heat, active cells require more O2. Therefore, the heat from metabolism causes hemoglobin to (release/retain) -------------- O2.
7-10%percentage of CO2 dissolved in plasma
20%percentage of CO2 forms carbaminohemoglobin
70%percentage of CO2 transported in plasma as bicarbonate ions
CO2 + H2O  H2 CO3  H+ + HCO3-This reaction occurs inside the RBC’s
increasedNotice that an increase in CO2 will cause an increase in H+ ions (acidic conditions). Active tissue has an (increased/decreased) ---------------- levels of CO2.
increaseThe CO2 will (increase/decrease) ------------- the Bohr effect.
medulla and ponsRespiratory Centers are located in
Peripheral chemoreceptorare located in the carotid artery and the aortic sinuses.
increaseIncreased levels of CO2 , hypercapnea, (above 40 mmHg)  stimulation of respiratory centers  -------------- (increase/decrease) respiratory rate
decreaseDecreased levels of CO2 , hypocapnea, (below 40 mmHg)  no stimulation of respiratory centers  -------------- (increase/decrease) respiratory rate.
yes, noincreased of heart rate for sympathetic and parasympathetic
yes, noIncrease respiratory rate for sympathetic and parasympathetic
no, yesDecrease of respiratory rate for sympathetic and parasympathetic
yes noBronchiodilation for sympathetic and parasympathetic
no,noBronchioconstriction for sympathetic and parasympathetic
• P O2- Low in active tisse • Temperature- High in active tissue • P Co2- High in active tissue • Blood pH- Low in active tissue • Concentration of BPG high in active tissueConditions in Active Tissue:
• Increase in temperature, H+, P Co2 and BPGConditions that cause Hemoglobin to release Oxygen:
A decrease in the amount of oxygen associated with hemoglobin and other respiratory compounds in response to a lowered blood pH resulting from an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.What is the Bohr effect?
internal respiration.- Exchange of gases between tissue and capillaries is called
ventilation.- Inhalation and exhalation is called
type 2.- Alveolar cells that secrete surfactant are
bronchioles.- Which conduit would have no cartilage, only smooth muscle?
.- respiratory distress syndrome, increased surface tension in alveoli.- A lack of surfactant causes
larynx, trachea, terminal brochiole, oropharynxWhich of the following organs are part of the conducting zone of the respiratory system?
provides an airway for ventilation warms incoming air filters incoming air cleans incoming air houses olfactory receptorsWhich of the following is a function of the nasal cavity?
enhances turbulence of air and slows down air flow, increases mucosal area, lined with ciliated epitheliumThe nasal conchae
.- ethmoid frontal maxillary sphenoidWhich of these bones do contain sinuses
closes the glotis, is made of elastic cartilage, is closed during valsava’s maneurverThe epiglottis:
trachea, larynx, primary bronchi, secondary bronchiWhich of the following organs of the conductiong zone of the respiratory system are lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium?
Right lung has three lobes and two fissures Left lung has two lobes and one fissureDifferentiate between the right and the left lungs
lobar brochiSecondary bonchi are also called:
3How many secondary bronchi would you expect to see in the right lung
rings of cartilageWhich would you not expect to find in the brochioles
simple ciliated cuboidal epithelium, smooth muscle, narrow lumenWhich would you expect to find in the brochioles
(simple squamous epithelium) makes up the walls of the alveolitype 1 cells
(septal cells) secrete surfactantType II cells
pulmonary arteriesWhich vessels deliver systemic blood to the lungs?
Collapsed lungWhat is atelectasis and what can cause atelectasis.
decrease lung volume, increased lung pressureExpiration involves
.- diaphragm external intercostals pectoralis minorMuscles contracted to increase volume of air during inspiration are (IRV):
volume in the lungs increase, the diaphragm contracts, the pressure in the lungs is -1 mmHgDuring inspiration (inhalation):
- Surfactant - Resistance - Lung compliance Osification of costal cartilage affects pulmonary ventilation because it affects lung compliance.List the 3 factors that influence pulmonary ventilation
They present with a normal total lung capacity (TLC.- Which is true of obstructive pulmonary diseases
.- As the conducting zone tubes become smaller.- As the conducting zone tubes become smaller
rectus abdominusWhich is an accessory muscle of expiration?
slow, deep breathingWhich increases alveolar ventilation rate
decrease the affinity of Hb for oxygen, enhance O2 unloading from blood to tissueAn increase in temperature will:
increase blood pHWhich factors decrease the Bohr effect?
Pontine respiratory group .- Higher brain centersThe breathing rhythm generated by the VRG can be modified by the
.- increased respiratory rate stimulation of chemoreceptors decreased of blood pHAn increase in arterial levels of CO2 results in:
Low oxygen levels, At high temperaturesUnder which conditions is hemoglobin more likely to give up oxygen?