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level: Commercial Healthcare Insurance Plans

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level questions: Commercial Healthcare Insurance Plans

indemnity health insurance plans are characterized byfreedom to choose your own healthcare providers
Single coverage is also known asself-only coverage, individual coverage, or an individual plan
nonsingle coverage is also known asdependent coverage
group health insurance is also known asemployer-based health insurance
a risk pool isa group of individual entities (individuals, employers, or associations) whose healthcare costs are combined for evaluating financial history and estimating future costs
The least diverse type of risk pool isan individual risk pool
This type of risk pool is the most diverselarge-employer pool
adverse selection ishaving disproportionate numbers of sick people
The larger a risk pool is, the more able it is tobalance a wide variety of risks
3 categories of commercial health insurance plans are1) individual health insurance plans 2) employer-based health insurance plans 3) state-sponsored plans for the medically uninsurable
benefits are also known ascovered services
The individual or entity that purchases an insurance policy is known asa policyholder, insured, certificate holder, member, subscriber, or beneficiary
A deductible isan annual amount of money that a subscriber must pay before the insurance plan will assume its share of liability for the remaining charges.
policy points that require the insured to pay for a portion of their healthcare services is known ascost sharing provisions
state healthcare insurance plans are often calledhigh-risk pools
People who are medically uninsurable are people whohave a pre-existing condition or a chronic disease or both
Over the past decade, the percentage of individuals with employer-based coverage has _________ (increased/decreased)decreased
A healthcare insurance policy is aformal contract between the insurance company and individuals or groups for whom the company is assuming risk
insurance is also known asa certificate of coverage, evidence of coverage, or summary plan description
covered conditions arehealth conditions, illnesses, injuries (et.c) that the insurance company will reimburse for treatment attempting to maintain, control or cure said conditions
A document that plainly and concisely explains information about a healthcare insurer's benefits and its coverage of health services is asummary of benefits and coverage (SBC)
Certificate numbers are used touniquely identify certificate holders
Definitions in healthcare insurance policies are important because they canaffect healthcare insurance coverage and payment
The prudent layperson standard is wherethe decision about whether symptoms required urgent treatment or not is based on an ordinary layperson's reasonable judgement
Eligible dependents includespouses, children and young adults until the age of 26, and dependents with disabilities
Under this provision of the ACA, healthcare insurers are required to accept every qualified individual who applies for coverageThe guaranteed issue
2 exceptions of the guaranteed issue provision of the ACA areplans that existed before the ACA and individual healthcare policies renewed in 2013 under the transitional policy for expiring coverage
Waiting periods (or benefits eligibility waiting periods) do not apply toindividual healthcare insurance plans
the waiting period for a group healthcare plan cannot exceed90 days
The term that Medicare uses instead of enrollment iselection
QLEs stands forqualifying life events
qualifying life events that make an individual eligible to enroll during special enrollment periods includemarriage, divorce, birth, adoption, placement for adoption, and loss of other healthcare coverage
A stop-loss benefit is also known as themaximum out-of-pocket cost, and the catastrophic expense limit
premiums ______ (are/are not) included in the maximum-out-of-pocket cost.are not
2 broad classifications of benefits are1) essential benefits (general healthcare services) and 2) special limited benefits (for specific situations)
Prescription drugs, pediatric care, maternity and newborn care, and preventive and wellness services are among 10 of the ________ benefits required by the ACAessential
Medigap refers tosupplemental Medicare health insurance policies that "wrap around" the benefits of Medicare
Long-term care, disability income protection, and major medical (catastrophic) policies are _________ benefits.special-limited
The "gaps" to be filled by supplemental insurance plans includehigh deductibles and cost sharing amounts
The extent and number of cost sharing provisions have _______ (risen/fallen) over time.risen
Coinsurance, copayments, and tiered benefits are all examples ofcost sharing provisions
In tiered benefits, tiers ________ (limit/extend) their members' freedom of choice of providers, amount of services allowed, and types of drugs and other services.limit
Contracted discount rates in tiers refers tousing in-network providers
A formulary isa preferred drug list in tiered benefits
A center of excellence isa healthcare organization that performs high volumes of a service at a correspondingly high quality
A synonym for exclusion (pertaining to healthcare coverage) isimpairment rider
Typical exclusions in healthcare coverage areexperimental or investigational procedures, medically unnecessary procedures, and cosmetic procedures
A document that is added to a policy to provide details about coverage (or lack thereof) for special situations is known as arider
Language within a policy itself that gives additional information about coverage (or lack thereof) for special situations is known as a(n)endorsement
riders and endorsements are similar tolimitations and exclusions
concerning healthcare insurance policies, procedures refer toexplanations of how policyholders obtain a healthcare benefit or qualify to receive the benefit
Common procedures (pertaining to health insurance) areprior approval, coordination of benefits, and other party liability
Services that require prior approval includeoutpatient surgeries; diagnostic, interventional, and therapeutic outpatient procedures; PT, OT, and speech therapies; behavioral health and substance use; inpatient care including surgery, home health, private nurses, and nursing homes; and organ transplants
COB stands forCoordination of benefits
OPL stands forOther party liability
COB and OPL procedures are used whenmultiple insurance companies are involved
With OPL, the other party is ________ (partly/totally) responsible for paying the costs.totally
The "birthday rule" in determining primary versus secondary insurance says thata dependent child's primary insurer is the insurance of the parent whose birthday comes first in the calendar year
A claim isa bill for healthcare services submitted by a hospital, physician's office, or other provider or healthcare facility.