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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

~을 설명하다, 차지하다account for explain consider as deem reckon
~에 적응하다adapt to adjust to acclimate to
~에 적응하다, 조절하다adjust to fit adapt suit accommodate
통상, 대체로as a rule usually on the whole
~의 마음대로 쓸 수 있는at one's disposal
~에 좌우되어, ~의 힘의 전적으로at the mercy of wholly in the power of
A를 B탓으로 돌리다attribute A to B ascribe A to B impute A to B
~하기 쉽다be prone to be inclined to be apt to
~을 명심하다, 유념하다 prone to : ~ 을 잘하는, ~하는 경향이 있는bear in mind keep in mind remember learn by heart
시대에 뒤떨어진behind the times out-of-date old-fashioned
~을 유발하다, 초래하다bring about be caused by result from
~에게 절실히 느끼게 하다bring home to cause one to realise
~을 수행하다, 완수하다carry out put something into practice implement perform fulfill attain achieve serve
~을 찾아내다, 생산하다, 제시하다come up with~ reach over take supply present
~로 구성되다, 이루어지다consist of be made up of make up compose
두각을 나타내다cut a fine figure make a fine appearance
~에 몰두하다devote oneself to give oneself to
이름을 내다, 공을 세우다distinguish oneself make oneself well known perform a glorious deed
~으로 나누다divide into break up keep apart separate split
~을 제거하다, 죽이다do away with abolish get rid of destroy
~을 비난하다find fault with~ criticise censure disapprove of
~을 위하여for the sake of for the benefit of
~에 더하여, ~뿐 아니라, 이외에in addition to as well as besides moreover couple with
~을 위하여, ~을 도우려고in behalf of in the interest of
~의 면전에서, ~의 앞에서in the presence of in front of
~의 덕분에, ~에 의하여in virtue of by means of because of
~과 보조를 맞추다keep pace with change at the same speed as
~을 기록하다, 추적하다keep track of on the trail follow hunt
~보다 뒤쳐지다, ~보다 뒤떨어지다lag behind leave to the tail
~을 참작하다, 감안하다make allowances for take into consideration take into account turn into advantage
성공하다 보상하다 수리하다make good succeed compensate for accomplish
~에 앞서, 먼저prior to earlier than ahead of before
~을 설명하다, 출발하다set forth set apart launch embark set afloat
~을 나타내다, 상징하다, 대표하다stand for represent serve as express
~을 당연한 일로 생각하다, 당연히 ~일 거라고 믿다take it for granted acknowledge accept
~을 흡수하다take up absorb soak up suck up
~로 변하다, 바뀌다turn into transform into convert into
~에 이르기까지, ~까지up to as much as a maximum of as many as
~을 다 써버리다, 닳아 없어지게 하다wear out no longer usable abrased
생명체living things life living organism living matter
집단, 군체, 서식지colony settlement territory habitat
동물학zoology the scientific study of animals
동식물군, 동식물종fauna and flora animals and plants in particular area
육식성의carnivorous animal that eat meat; predatory
포식자 (반대 : prey 먹이)predator an animal that kills and eats other animals
영장류primate a member of the group of mammals
무척추동물invertebrate a creature that does not have a spine
동면hibernation overwintering
자식;생겨난 것offspring children young family descendants
길들이다, 교화하다domesticate tame and raise civilise
위장, 눈가림,위장하다camouflage cryptic coloration mask cloak disguise cover conceal
보금자리, 둥지, 굴nest refuge retreat haunt
서식지habitat niche environment
지배적인, 두드러진dominant main chief prominent eminent
위치시키다, 등급을 매기다, 나란히 세우다, 계급rank class categorise hierarachy range
풍부, 유복 (반대:shortage)abundance copiousness plenty
끌다, 추적하다, 지나간 자국, 흔적trail hunt track trace chase path route way
살다, 거주하다dwell live inhabit reside
지속하다, 유지하다, 부양하다maintain continue keep preserve sustain
수정하다, 비옥하게 하다fertilise enrich improve the soil quality
화분, 꽃가루pollen a fine powder produced by flowers
광합성photosynthesis the way that green plants make their food using sunlight
눈, 미숙한 것, 싹트다, 자라기 시작하다bud shoot (발사하다 = fire, pop a cap) branch sprout develop grow burgeon
재목, 목재timber wood logs lumber beams
줄기; 코끼리 코trunk stem stalk nose
관목shrub plants that have several woody stems
꽃, 꽃 피다, 개화하다blossom flower bloom bud floret grow develop succeed
복제하다, 번식하다reproduce copy duplicate multiply propagate
무리를 이루다, 떼를 짓다, 무리, 떼swarm teem crawl crowd flock herd
미생물, 세균, 병원균microbe microorganism germ bacteris
종, 종류species kind sort type group variety breed
종류, 다양성, 여러가지variety diversity change difference
계절, 때, 양념, 맛을 내다, 양념하다season period flavour spice flavour spice salt
균질이 되게 하다, 통일하다homogenise to make same quality
인문학liberal arts the subjects such as history, philosophy, and literature
인도주의humanism a belief that people's spiritual and emotional needs can be satisfied
언어학linguistics the scientific study of language
억양, 어조intonation stress
어조가 강한, 단호한, 강조하는emphatic forceful vigorous definite
바꾸어 쓰기, 의역paraphrase rewording interpretation
어휘의 사전의lexical relating to the word of a language
구문론syntax words put together to make sentence
접미사 (반대 : prefix)suffix a letter to the end of a word to make a different word
문장, 판결, 선고, 선고하다sentence a writing composition punishment verdict judgement
해석하다 판독하다decipher explain translate understand
발음대로의, 음성의 phonics : 발음중심언어지도법phonetic relating to the sound of a word
화폐제도; 신조어coinage coined word
요약하다, 줄이다, 약화시키다abridge shorten abbreviate
문학, 저술, 문헌literature writings letters compositions
풍자, 비꼼satire mockery irony parody ridicule
비평, 비판criticism censure disapproval judgement
우화, 꾸며낸 이야기fable fiction fantasy story parable
문예부흥renaissance rebirth revival
빚지고 있다, ~의 신세를 지다, 의무가 있다owe attribute
금하다, 방해하다prohibit ban forbid prevent
~으로 여기다, 보다, 존경, 관계, 고려, 주시regard consider treat
같은 시대의, 현대의, 동시에 발생한contemporary contemporaneous current modern
구어체의, 일상 회화의colloquial conversable dialectic informal
훈련, 교육training exercise practice
강의, 강의하다lecture talk speak teach address lesson
강제적인, 필수의compulsory mandatory required obligatory forcible
임의의 선택의, 선거에 의한elective optional by election
강조하다underscore emphasise stress highlight underline
신청, 지원, 원서, 적용application appeal request claim work
입학시키다, 등록하다enroll enlist recruit register
숙박 시설, 편의accommodation supply housing homes lodging
장학금; 학문scholoarship grant award fellowship learning
학위논문dissertation thesis paper argument essay
졸업, 대학원 학생, 졸업하다, 학위를 수여하다grad alumnal grade regulate classify rank
금하다, 허락하지 않다forbid ban prevent prohibit
협의하다, 수여하다confer discuss bestow confabulate
알리다, 통지하다inform notify report tell
표준의, 권위 있는standard usual normal customary
시청각의audiovisual sound and vision
읽고 쓰는 능력literacy ability to read and write
직업, 점령occupation business employment ownership possession
성인교육further education education for adults
통신교육, 방송교육, 원격교육distance learning(education)
학장, 학생과장, 주임 사제dean principal
솜씨, 숙련, 기술skill expertise ability proficiency technique