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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

The animalsdie Tiere
the desert animalsdie Wüstentiere
the snakedie Schlange
the cameldas Kamel
the scorpionder Skorpion
the donkeyder Esel
the king cobradie Königskobra
the antdie Ameise
the armadillodas Gürteltier
the baboonder Pavian
the badgerder Dachs
the batdie Fledermaus
the boa constrictordie Boa Constrictor
the brown bearder Braunbär
the butterflyder Schmetterling
the chipmunkdas Streifenhörnchen
the cheetahder Gepard
the cougarder Puma
the dovedie Taube