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level: Group 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 4

FeebleWeak, coward
Felicitouswell suited to the circumstances; pleasing and fortunate
ForbearRefrain from doing something, to be patient
HaphazardLacking any obvious principle of organization, lack of planning
HodgepodgeA confused mixture
ImpedeDelay or prevent something or someone by obstructing them; hinder
ImpetuousDone quickly without thought or care
Irasciblehaving or showing a tendency to be easily angered
Mercenaryprimarily concerned in making money at the expense of ethics
Mordanthaving or showing sharp and biting quality(especially of humor); caustic
OutstripMove faster than and overtake
PrecariousNot securely held in position, about to fall; uncertain, obscure
Quirkyhaving unexpected traits or aspects
TactSkill and sensitivity to deal with difficult issues
TriflingUnimportant, trivial
TurbulentNot stable or calm, Moving unsteady or violently
Acumenshrewd, ability to make good judgements and quick decisions
AntithesisDirect opposite of something, contrast
Ascriberegard something as due to or belonging to
BefuddledUnable to think clearly, Confused, perplexed, baffled
EschewDeliberately avoid using, abstain
EsotericIntended for or likely to be understood by few people with special interest or knowledge
ExculpateShow that someone is not guilty for wrong doing
ExpediteMake happen sooner or accomplished quickly
FeignPretend to be affected by
FurtiveAttempting to avoid attention or notice typically because of guilt or discovery would lead to trouble
HamperHinder or impede the progress or movement
IndispensableAbsolutely necessary
lamentA passionate expression of grief or sorrow, disappointment or complaints
MyopicShort sighted; lacking intellectual insight or foresight