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level: Group 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 1

ShamFalsely present as the truth, a thing that is not what it purported to be
SkirtAttempt to avoid; go round and past the edge of
SluggishSlow moving or inactive
SpartanLack of comfort or luxury, austere
HostileShowing or feeling opposition or dislike, Unfriendly
Belligerenthostile and aggressive
Benificentgenerous and doing good
CavalierShowing a lack of proper concern; offhand
DistressedSuffering from anxiety, sorrow or pain
DwindlingGradually decreasing in size, strength or amount
EclipseDeprive of significance or power
EncyclopedicComprehensive in terms of information
Exacerbatemake worse
ExasperatedExtremely irritated or frustrated
FungibleReplaceable, mutually interchangeable
Hackneyedhaving been overused
IncongruousNot in harmony or keeping with the surroundings
LaconicUsing very few words
MagisterialHaving or showing great authority; domineering
OnerousInvolving a great deal of effort, trouble or difficulty, arduous
OpprobriumHarsh criticism or censure, public disgrace
ParsimoniousVery unwilling to spend money or resources, Niggardly
PeripheralSecondary, subsidiary; relating or situated at the edge of something
TempestuousCharacterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotions
TenableAble to be maintained or defended against attack
TransgressionAn offence, act that goes against law, code of conduct or rule
VerisimilitudeAppearance of being true or real
VitiateSpoil or impair the quality or efficiency
AffinityA natural liking and understanding of someone or something, empathy