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level questions: PLANT TISSUES

Plant grows into two different environments1 Dark, moist soil (root) 2 Illuminated, relatively dry air. (shoot)
The aerial parts of the plant. Absorbs carbon dioxide and sunlight. Responsible for the process of photosynthesisShoot System
The parts of a plant found underground. Main function is to absorb water and nutrients in the soil.Root System
The shoot system consists of:1 Stem 2 Leaf 3 Apical Bud 4 Auxiliary Bud 5 Petiole 6 Node 7 Internode
The Root system consists of:1 Primary root 2 Apical root
Plant Structure1 Herbaceous Plants 2 Woody Plants
Plants that dies when they reach the end of their growing season. Green All-throughout Ex. vegetables, pumpkins, squash, palay, potato, cabbage, tomatoHerbaceous Plants
The aerial parts of these plants continues to grow until they reach their certain height. Their stem becomes a bark Ex. Trees- Pine trees, narra tree, rose, peach tree, mahogany, Coconut trees Shrubs- Calamansi, eggplantsWoody Plants
Herbaceous. They grow, reproduce and die in one year or a particular season. They can be grown easily with a seed.Annuals
Herbaceous. Plants that can complete their lifecycle in two years. In the first year, they produce extra carbohydrates, store and will use that for the next year. In the first year, they do not bloom and only produce leaves. Ex. carrots, lettuce, spinach, onionsBiennials
Can be woody and herbaceous. They can live more than two years and is very difficult to grow them from seeds. They can be grown from propagation of their root division.Perennials
Some herbaceous perennials, usually the aerial parts, dies at a certain season and the root becomes dormant. After a certain season, they will send a new growth. ex. grass dies during el nino, they will grown back in la nina..
Some woody perennials, their aerial parts dies at a certain season. For example, winter. And grow back in the next season. For example Spring...
Tissues of Plants1 Simple Tissues 2 Complex Tissues
These are tissues that are organized by one type of cellSimple Tissues
These are tissues that are organized from different type of cellsComplex Tissues
Kinds of Tissue System1 Ground Tissue System 2 Vascular Tissue System 3 Dermal Tissue System
Main function is for photosynthesis, for storage and supportGround Tissue System
Found all throughout the body. Main function is to conduct various substances such as water, dissolve minerals and food molecules. It is like the veins.Vascular Tissue System
Is responsible for the outer covering of the plant body. It is the skin of the plant. Provide protective covering over the plant partsDermal Tissue System
Ground Tissue System - Tissues1 Parenchyma Tissues 2 Collenchyma Tissues 3 Sclerenchyma Tissues
Is composed of organized parenchyma cells. The edible and the soft parts of the plants. They have thin primary cell walls. Main function is photosynthesis, storage and secretion.Parenchyma Tissues
What are the main function of Parenchyma cells?Photosynthesis, storage and secretion.
What are the functions of Non-photosynthetic parenchyma cells?For storage of grains, oil droplets, water, salts Secrete resins, tanins, hormones, enzymes, and sugary nectar
A protein that protects the plantTannins
What is the special feature of parenchyma cells?They have the ability to transform itself into other cells
Is composed of organized collenchyma cells Are not found uniformly throughout the plant. Only found in leaf blades and stem surfaces Have unevenly thickened cell walls and the cells are elongated. Main function is it provides support in soft and non-woody plant organsCollenchyma Tissues
What are the main function of Collenchyma cells?Provides support in soft and non-woody plant organs
What is the importance of collenchyma cells?Without it, plant cannot grow upward and compete with other plants.
Is composed of organized sclerenchyma cells Extremely thickened cell walls as compared with collenchyma cellsSclerenchyma Tissue
What are the two types of sclerenchyma cells?1 Fibres / Fibers 2 Sclereids
Difference of Fibers and Sclereids1 Sclereids are short cells with variable shape; can be found in shell in nuts, fruit stones. Have gritty texture 2 Fibers are a long tapered cells in groups. Can be found in the wood, inner bark; only found in flowering plants
Imbedded or attached in the Ground Tissue SystemVascular Tissue System
Vascular Tissue System - Tissues1 Xylem 2 Phloem
Conducts and transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves and stem. Movement of water is one-way only Aside from transport, they provide structural support for the plantsXylem
What direction is the movement of water in the Xylem?One-way direction
What are the cell types of Xylem?1 Tracheids 2 Vessel cells / Vessel elements 3 Parenchyma 4 Fibers
Cells responsible for conducting and transporting the water and dissolved minerals. They die at maturity stage of plant.Tracheids and Vessel cells / Vessel elements
Chief water conducting cells in gymnosperms and seedless vascular plants. Can be found in gymnosperms and seedless vascular plants. Have long tapering cells that is located patches. Water pass from one tracheid to another through pithsTracheids
Water pass from one tracheids to another tracheids through?Piths
Chief water conducting cells in flowering plants. Can be found in flowering plants. Bigger diameter. Water pass through perforationsVessel cells / Vessel elements
Water pass through one vessel elements to another vessel elements through?Perforations
What is the main function of parenchyma cells when it is found in another tissue system aside from the ground tissue system?Storage
What is the main function of fiber cells when it is found in another tissue system aside from the ground tissue system?Support
Conducts and transports food materials such as carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis. Movement of materials are a two-way flow. Food material should be dissolved first in the water before transportedPhloem
What are the cell types of Phloem?1 Sieve-tube elements 2 Companion cells 3 Phloem fibers 4 Phloem parenchyma cells
A long thin cells that is stacked together from end to end.Sieve-tube elements
Do not directly conduct nutrients. Rather, they help in loading of food to the sieve-tube elementsCompanion Cells
Main function is for support in the phloemPhloem Fibers
Main function is for storage in the phloemPhloem parenchyma cells
Sieve-tube elements are alive during maturity stage but their organelles are disintegrated at this stage...
A cytoplasmic channel through the cell walls of the adjacent plant cells. Food molecules pass here.Plasmodesmata
In phloem, food molecules pass through what cyotpasmic channel?Plasmodesmata
Companion cells help in loading food molecules to pass through the plasmodesmata to the sieve tube elements..
Dermal Tissue System - Tissues1 Epidermis 2 Periderm
Can only be found in herbaceous plants and during the young stage of woody plants. Covers the primary plant body which is the leaves, young stems and the roots. Composed of several types of cells: Unspecialized and Specialized cellsEpidermis
What are the cell types of Epidermis?1 Parenchyma cells 2 Guard cells 3 Trichomes
What are the Unspecialized cells?1 Parenchyma cells
What are the Specialized cells?1 Guard cells 2 Trichomes
The cell walls of the epidermis have waxy covering called what? It prevents water loss and carbon dioxide in the aerial parts of the plant body.Cuticle
Under the upper epidermis. You can find the chloroplasts here and photosynthesis happens herePalisade mesophyll
Under the palisade mesophyll. Involves in gas and water exchange in the dermal tissue system.Spongy mesophyll
Responsible in closing and opening of the stomata.Guard cells
Facilitates the diffusion of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapor.Guard cells
Guard cells allow of opening of the stomata during what time?Daytime
The movement of water from the roots to the aerial parts will evaporate to the stem, leaves and flowers and release heat in the plantsTranspiration / Evaporative Cooling
Special outgrowths or hair of plant stems and leaves. Helps in reflecting light and absorbing water and minerals. It also have protective function and act as protective barrier against predators contains allergens.Trichomes
Can be found on woody plants, especially at the mature stage. They replace the epidermis and becomes the protective outer bark.Periderm
What are the cell types of Periderm?1 Cork cells 2 Cork parenchyma cells 3 Cork cambium
Have protective covering called suberin.Cork cells
Prevents water loss and usually dead in maturity in the peridermSuberin
Main function is storage in the Dermal Tissue SystemCork parenchyma cells / Phelloderm
Responsible for the secondary growth that replaces epidermis in roots and also in stems.Cork cambium
Meiosis and Mitosis process happen here Composed of cells whose primary function is the formation of new cells This is where the cell continue to divide forever, until death.Plant Meristems
What are the 3 different process of plant growth?1 Cell division 2 Cell elongation 3 Cell differentiation
In this process, cell undergo expansion Lengthening of the plant cellCell elongation
After achieving the desired size of the cell, the cell will become specialized cell. (becomes different types of cell)Cell differentiation
What are the 2 kinds of Meristematic Growth?1 Primary growth 2 Secondary growth
What is the purpose of Primary growth?Increasing the length of the plant
What is the purpose of Secondary growth?Increasing of the girth or the diameter of the plant.
What plants have primary growth?All plants
What plants have secondary growth?Woody plants such as eudicots, angiosperms and gymnosperms
Primary growth happens hereApical Meristem
What are the Apical Meristem parts?1 Root apical meristem 2 Shoot apical meristem
Apical meristem is can be found in two locations1 Tip of the stem 2 Tip of the roots
Main function is to produce the primary tissues such as the ground tissue system, epidermis, xylem, and phloemApical Meristem
The root apical meristem is protected by?Root caps
What are the 3 primary meristems? The root apical meristem is divided into three which is?1 Protoderm 2 Procambium 3 Ground meristem
Young and differentiated tissue of the root or stem that develops in to the epidermisProtoderm
Develops into vascular tissue system. Develops into the xylem and phloemProcambium
Develops into the ground tissue system Develops into cortex, the pith. Develops into parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchymaGround meristem
Found in the tip of the stem contains leaf primordia and bud primordiaShoot apical meristem
Shoot apical meristem contains two parts1 Leaf primordia 2 Bud primordia
Responsible for developing the leaves. Usually grows continually and then elongates and push the apical meristem upward and then differentiate into other primary tissue found in the leavesLeaf primordia
Responsible for developing the budBud primordia
Secondary GrowthLateral Meristem
It forms the secondary tissues during the secondary growth. Produces periderm, secondary phloem, secondary xylem, vascular cambium and cork cambiumLateral Meristem
What are the parts of Lateral Meristem?1 Vascular cambium 2 Cork cambium
Vascular cambium develops from what?procambium
At maturity, produces secondary phloem and xylem It forms usually in a thin and continuous cylinder within the stem and also the roots. located between the wood and the bark of the woody plantVascular cambium
Is found in the outer bark region. Composed of cork cells, cork parenchyma cells Responsible in producing the peridermCork cambium