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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

you speaktu hablas
she wantsella quiere
she speaksella habla
I am (perm)yo soy
I wantyo quiero
I haveyo tengo
I readyo leo
I speakyo hablo
I drinkyo bebo
I am (temp)yo estoy
I goyo voy
I comeyo vengo
I danceyo bailo
I changeyo cambio
I sleepyo duermo
I walkyo comino
you are (perm)tu eres
you wanttu quieres
you havetu tienes
you readtu lees
you drinktu bebes
you are (temp)tu estas
you gotu vas
you cometu vienes
you dancetu bailas
you changetu cambias
you sleeptu duermes
you walktú caminas
she is - pella es
she hasella tiene
she readsella lee
she drinksella bebe
she isella esta
she goesella va
she comesella viene
she dancesella baila
she changesella cambia
she sleepsella duerme
she walksella camina
you are -peres
you wantquieres
it hastiene
it readslee
it speakshabla
you drinkbebes
You Are -testas
she goesva
it comesviene
it dancesbaila
it changescambia
it sleepsduerme
it walkscamina
we are -psomos
we wantqueremos
we havetenemos
we readleemos
we speakhablamos
we drinkbebemos
we are - testamos
we govamos
we comevenimos
we dancebailamos
we changecambiamos
we sleepdormimos
we walkcaminamos
they are - pson
they wantquieren
they havetienen
they readleen
they speakhablan
they drinkbeben
they are -testan
they govan
they comevienen
they dancebailan
they changecambian
they sleepduermen
they walkcaminan
You all are - pson
they wantquieren
they havetienen
they readleen
they speakhablen
they drinkbeben
they are -testan
they govan
they comevienen
they dancebailan
they changecambian
they sleepduermen
they walkcaminan
i givedoy
I saydigo
I dohago
i canpuedo
i putpongo
I knowyo sé
i seeveo
you givedas
you saydices
you dohaces
you canpuedes
you putpones
you knowsabes
you seeves
you givedas
she saysella dice
she doesella hace
she is able toella puede
she putsella pone
she knowsella sabe
she seesella ve
we givedamos
we saydecimos
we dohacemos
we canpodemos
we putponemos
we knowsabemos
we seevemos
they givedan
they saydicen
they dohacen
they canpueden
they putponen
they knowsaben
they seeven