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level: Deforestation, Amazon Case Study and Sustainable Management [TR]

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level questions: Deforestation, Amazon Case Study and Sustainable Management [TR]

What % of Tropical Rainforest has been Cut Down since 1920? -Name the Biggest Countries for Deforestation Rates-Around 50% has simply just been Lost due to Deforestation -Indonesia, Peru, Mali, Malaysia and Cameroon are the Biggest Players in Deforestation
Why is Indonesia using the Rainforest?-Indonesia leads the Palm Oil Exports, and it contributes a large Portion in the Economy, and Palm Oil needs Deforestation to happen
Why are the Rainforests being Cut Down?-Overpopulation: Settlements need Space and Resources -Logging: Harvesting for Timber makes Money, and the Infrastructure that Connects it also Damages the Rainforest -Farming & Agriculture -Energy Development: Some Parts are Flooded all because of wanting a Dam, or maybe areas can be Razed for Biofuel Crops -Mining: Minerals can be Found underneath the Rainforest
What are the Impacts of Deforestation?-Trees play a role in CO2 Levels, all because it takes it out the Air, and uses it for Photosynthesis, or Survival if you like. So removing Trees will Increase Carbon Dioxide Levels. -And if the Trees die out, then the Plants and Animals may suffer Detrimental Consequences
Where and how big is the Amazon Rainforest? How many Species does it host?-Located in the Northern Part of South America, and in 9 Countries -Around 6 Million kilometres in Area -Around 40,000 Plant Species, 400 Mammals, 1,300 Bird and 3,000 Fish come from the Rainforest
Why, in the Amazon is Deforestation taking place?-Subsistence Farming: People need to have Space to grow food for the Family [Survival really] -Commercial Farming: Livestock and Crops [Palm Oil, Sugar...] can be very Profitable -Logging: Simply selling Timber, even Illegally -Mineral Extraction: Iron and Gold has been Extracted from the Amazon, which needs Space [Deforestation] -Energy Development: The Balbina Reservoir has flooded around 2300 Km of Trees in Area
What are the Effects of Deforestation in the Amazon?-Soil Erosion: The Soil will be left more Vulnerable and will therefore Erode; the Nutrients will be Leached which would stop Plant Growth -Economic Development: Farming, Mining and Logging Industry's will help the Economy in the Short Term and provide many Jobs -Climate Change: Around 20% of the Carbon in Trees is located in the Amazon, so Cutting Trees down will Rapidly Increase Carbon Dioxide Levels
Why are Tropical Rainforest Important?-It hosts probably the Greatest Biodiversity on Planet Earth -Tropical Rainforest can give Resources out Naturally [Coca, Coffee, Medicine and Timber] -People leave there, which is dependent on the Rainforest for Food, Shelter and Medicines -It helps against the Fight for Climate Change [Removing Carbon Dioxide out of the Atmosphere]
How can Conservation and Education be a Method of Sustainable Management?-Laws may be Set Up which has Parts of the Rainforest being Off Limits for Economic Exploit. National Parks are an Example -Some Organisation, like WWF and Nature Conservancy can Promote Conservation via Education and Training Programs, and it can also Buy very Threatened Land -If People are Educated about what Deforestation can really do, they can see how Important it is that what we are doing right now will end up in Disaster
How can Debt Reduction be a Method of Sustainable Management?-Since the Majority of Tropical Rainforests are in LICs, they can make a Deal with the HIC,s who give the Money -In Exchange for the LIC to use the Money for the Country and Development, part of the Rainforest is Protected and Conserved. -2011 saw the United States make 28.5 Million pounds converted into Protecting Rainforest
How can Selective Logging and Replanting be a Method of Sustainable Management?-Selective Logging is simply Limiting the Amount of that Type of Tree is Cut Down -Replanting is simply just making sure the Biodiversity is Supported in the Long Run -However, Illegal Logging is one of the Main Problems, and making Laws won't Help, because it could be their way of Survival
How can Ecotourism be a Method of Sustainable Management?-Ecotourism is simply a Method of Tourism that uses the Environment in a way that doesn't Damage it -It can be used to Educate the Tourists, or be used for Employment as a Tour Guide or in the Hospital Section -The Area's Economy could Literally shift to Ecotourism if done right
How can International Agreements be a Method of Sustainable Management?-Agreements made Globally can Limit the Damage on the Environment -An Example can be of Hardwoods having a Treaty Signed in 2006 to limit the Trade of Tropical Hardwoods, because of the High Demand of it creating Lots of Deforestation
What happened in Malaysia, in terms of Sustainable Management?-The Government introduced Rules and Regulations to make sure the Tropical Rainforests can Be Conserved, This Included: -Awareness and Education being Increased -Alternative Timber choices being Provided -A Selective Management System that had a 40 Year Cycle -Ecotourism being Introduced in, helps with other Points -Areas of Land made Prohibited by the Government