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level: Urbanisation

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Urbanisation

What are High Income Countries?-Simply Countries that are -Heavily Urbanises Countries [USA and UK] -Very Rich and have high GDP Per Capita
What are Newly Emerging Economies?-Have different Urbanisation Rates in the Countries -China, Brazil and Poland are Examples -Also have Economy's that are starting to Stabilise and Expand
What are Low Income Countries?-This is Countries that are really Urbanisation, and so have one of the Highest Rates Globally -Also have Economies that are really either Struggling or just not Expanding -Zambia, Niger and North Korea are Examples
What is Natural Increase?-This is simply when the: 1. Birth Rates Increase, meaning more Migrants can mean more Children 2. Death Rate Decreases as because the Standard of Health is much Better, as well as the Standard of Living
What are Rural Push Factors?-These are Factors that make you Leave the Rural Area. They can be: -Low Wages and Not many Jobs -Services like Education and Health is very Limited -Living Conditions is Poor -War and Fighting -Famine and very Vulnerable to Natural Disasters
What are Urban Pull Factors?-These are Factors that make you enter the Urban Area. They can be: -Very High Wages and More Jobs -Easy Access to Health and Education -Better Standard of Living -More Entertainment
What exactly is a Megacity?-This is simply a City with more than 10 Million People