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level: Module 3

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level questions: Module 3

An ocular condition or a state of refraction where in parallel rays of light coming from infinity focused early on the retina where in standard vision is 20/20Emmetropia
Plano is emmetropic which means ______ power.Zero
It is the variation from the perfect co-incident of the principal focus of the eye with the retina. The focus of rays of light is not exactly on the retina.Error of Refraction
Another term for refractive error, error of refraction and refractive anomalies where the rays of light is not exactly on the retina.Ametropia
A refractive condition wherein parallel rays of light coming from infinity focused in front of the retina. Also called as shortsightedness or nearsightedness. Characterized by blurring of vision at far and clear vision at near.Myopia
Who founded Myopia?Aristotle
Myopia comes from the Greek word which is _____ means to close, _____ the eye.Myein - Ops
(Causes or Etiology) Anterior Posterior is relatively long than the normal lengthAxial Myopia
If the eyeball is too long, what pathology is involved in this case?Exophthalmos (bulging eyes)
In every 1mm lengthening of the AP diameter there is equivalent of ____.3.00D
What is the normal AP diameter of an adult emmetrope eye?24mm
What is the instrument that is use to measure AP diameter?Exophthalmometer
(Causes or Etiology) Curvature of the cornea is relatively steep.Curvature Myopia
What is the normal radius curvature of cornea in an emmetropic state?7.8mm
If the cornea is too steep, what pathology is involved?Keratoconus
(Causes or Etiology) Index of refraction is strong or high.Index Myopia
What is the normal refractive index of Aqueous and Vitreous Humour?1.33
This causes myopia to develop by inheriting genes through X-link factor in the family members.Hereditary
This associated diseases (Hypertension, Diabetes, Thyroid problem) can help develop myopia in an individual.Metabolic and Glandular Deficiency
This is an objective change like headaches, sometimes it is mostly explained by the patient.Symptoms
It is any changes that a practitioner can see or observe.Sign
(Blurred of Vision) Distance vision is slightly blurred, but good near visionLow Myopia
(Blurred of Vision) Both distance and near vision blurred (distance is worse than near)High Myopia
(Blurred of Vision) Distance vision blurred, but good near visionModerate Myopia
What is the ophthalmology term for "tired eyes"?Asthenopia
A sign of myopia which a patient decreases his/her palpebral fissure.Squinting
It is the tendency of the eye to deviate outward, it is usually called as "banlag" in tagalog.Exophoria
A sign of myopia where in a white crescent is present at the optic disc.Myopic Crescent
-10.25D and upVery High
-3.25D to -6.00DMedium
-1.25D to 3.00DLow
-6.25D to -10.00DHigh
-0.25D to -1.00DVery Low
It is a rare case of myopia in infancy and is present when entering schoolCongenital Myopia
Most common myopia, starts at the age of 6 until teenage years.Youth-onset Myopia
It is a rare case of myopia where at beyond the age of 40 with the prevalence gradually increasing in the later years of life.Late adult on-set Myopia
(Clinical Entity) Normal eye that is either long for its optical power or less commonly, too optically powerful for its axial length AP diameter is relatively long.Simple Myopia
(Clinical Entity) This only occurs in dim illumination and is due primarily to increase accommodative response associated with levels of light. Also known as "night myopia".Nocturnal Myopia
(Clinical Entity) This is a result of an increase in refractive power due to overstimulation of the eye's accommodative mechanism or ciliary muscles, wherein an emmetrope or hyperope appears to be myope. Also known as false myopia.Pseudomyopia
This procedure is used to determine a person's complete refractive error by temporary paralyzing the ciliary muscles.Cyclopegia Refraction
(Clinical Entity) Pathological a high degree of myopia associated with degenerative changes in the posterior segment of the eye which is the fundus. Diabetic retinopathy and hypertensive retinopathy can be associated in this myopia.Degenerative Myopia
(Clinical Entity) This is a result of an exposure to various pharmaceutical agents, variation in blood sugar levels, nuclear sclerosis, or other anomalous conditions. This can be transitory. Example of this is a patient may experience myopia during pregnancy but goes back to normal after birth.Induced Myopia
Myopia can be corrected by optical correction through the use of ______, ______Ophthalmic Lens, Contact Lens
What type of lens is used for patients with myopia?Concave Lenses
This is a type of contact lens treatment that is used to flatten the cornea. It is a hard contact lens.Orthokeratology
This type of contact lens can only be prescribed by ophthalmologists.Phakic contact lenses
What is the emmetrope measurement of the retinal image?7mm
It is considered as the first laser eye surgery to treat myopia, wherein it removes the entire layer of epithelial cells, then places an excimer's laser to flatten the cornea.Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
It is a popular laser eye surgery to treat myopia in which the surgeon or ophthalmologist creates a flap on the epithelium then places an excimer's laser to flatten the cornea, then afterwards, the flap is returned to its original position.Laser-assisted in-situ Keratomileusis (LAZIK)
It is a refractive surgical procedure to treat myopia wherein the surgeon makes incisions. It has risk of increase astigmatism.Radial Keratotomy (RK)
This is a hygienic measure for myopic patient where an individual take a break for 20 seconds and look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.20-20-20 rule