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level: Module 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Module 4

It is a refractive condition wherein parallel rays of light coming from infinity focused behind the retina.Hyperopia
Who is the father of Hyperopia?Helmholtz
Hypermetropia means?Hyper - in excess, Met - measure, Opia - of the eye
Anterior Posterior diameter is relatively shortAxial hyperopia
For every 1mm shortening of the AP diameter is equals to?+3.00D
If the AP diameter is TOO SHORT, it could be pathologic.Endophthalmos
Curvature of the cornea is relatively flatCurvature Hyperopia
What is the normal radius of curvature of the cornea?7.8mm
It is the instrument use to measure the radius of curvature of the cornea.Keratometer
What is the normal dioptric power of the cornea? The lower the amount, the flatter.44.00D
If the cornea is TOO FLAT it may be pathologic.Keratoplana
The higher the amount the flatterMillimeters
The lower the amount the flatterDiopters
If the index of refraction is too low or weakIndex hyperopia
What is the normal index of refraction?1.33
What is the AP diameter of a newborn baby?17.3mm
What is the range of diopters of newborn babies?+2.00D to 3.50D
What hyperopia is associated in newborn babiesCongenital
In this age bracket, the eye starts to become emmetrope.9-12yrs old
Due to crystalline lens hardening, ciliary muscles sclerosis, difficulty in focus, common in 40 yrs old and above. Associated with hyperopiaPresbyopia
Hyperope during younger years become the ___ to become presbyopiaFirst
Myope during younger years become ___ to become presbyopiaThird
Emmetrope during younger years become ___ to become presbyopiaSecond
What do you call the absence of the crystalline lens in the eye?Aphakia
It is the plastic replacement of the crystalline lens(IOL) Intra ocular lens
If IOL is transplanted, the px has no hyperopiaPseudophakia
What area in our face hurts, if we are experiencing headache due to hyperopia?Frontal, temporal, eye brow area
Ophthalmology term for tired eyesAsthenopia
Ophthalmology term for tearing of the eyesLacrimation
When one or more components of ocular refraction moderately deviates from the normalCorrelational Hyperopia
If one or more components varies significantly from the pathologyComponent Hyperopia
Due to normal biological variation (relatively short AP, flat cornea, low index)Simple Hyperopia
It is caused by abnormal ocular anatomy due to maldevelopment ocular 17.3mm diseases & trauma endophthalmic eye.Pathological Hyperopia
It is the degree of hyperopia (+2.00D or less: +0.25D to +2.00D)Low
It is the degree of hyperopia (+2.25D to +5.00D)Medium/Moderate
It is the degree of hyperopia (+5.25D & above)High
Hyperopia that can be compensated for or overcome by accommodationFacultative Hyperopia
What is the formula for Facultative Hyperopia?Facultative = Manifest - Absolute (F=M-A)
That hyperopia that can not be compensated by accommodation. It is considered the weakest plus with BCVAAbsolute Hyperopia
It refers to the entire amount of hyperopiaTotal Hyperopia
A kind of total hyperopia that can be found through subjective refraction. It is considered as the strongest plus with BCVAManifest Hyperopia
A kind of total hyperopia that is compensated by the tonicity of the ciliary muscles, this can only be revealed after cyclopegic refraction.Latent Hyperopia
Hyperopia can be treated with (plus/minus), (concave/convex) spherical lens.Plus/convex
0-10 years old has low to moderate myopia without any symptom it requires (correction/no correction).No correction
With symptom: 0-10 years old: For +4.25D & aboveDeduct +2.00D from the sphere & give full cylinder Rx
With symptom: 0-10 years old: +1.00D to +2.00DGive only +0.50D to relieved the symptom
With symptom: 0-10 years old: For +2.25D to +4.00DGive half of the sphere & full correct cylinder Rx
What would be the FRx of this px with symptom: +3.50D: -2.00DC x 180FRx = +1.75D: -2.00DC x 180
What would be the FRx of this px with symptom: +6.25D: -1.00DC x 90FRx = +4.25D: -1.00DC x 90
What would be the FRx of this px without symptom 0-10yrs old: +1.75DFRx = plano
What would be the FRx of this px with symptom: +1.50DFRx = +0.50D
11-40 years old has low hyperopia without symptoms requires (correction/no correction)No correction
11-40 years old moderated degree of hyperopia correct the ________ amount especially those who have significant near demandsModerate
Special age bracket that begins to experience blur at near & visual discomfort. A prescription for distance is needed & additional correction for near.30-35yrs old
What to do with px 40yrs old & above that has Presbyopia?Give distance correction with near correction
A type of double vision lens that has round segment lensKk (Kryptok)
A type of double vision lens that has D segment lensFT (Flat top)
This lens has no line and has 3 major powers (distance, intermediate, distance)Progressive lens