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level: Breakfast-time

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Breakfast-time

谁吃早餐迟到了?Who is late for breakfast?
大卫吃早餐迟到了。David is late for breakfast.
苏珊在吃什么?What is Susan eating?
苏珊正在吃一个鸡蛋。Susan is eating an egg.
谁在喝咖啡?Who is drinking coffee?
爸爸在喝咖啡。Father is drinking coffee.
妈妈在倒什么?What is Mother pouring?
妈妈正在倒果汁。Mother is pouring the juice.
哦亲爱的!宝贝做了什么?Oh dear! What has Baby done?
宝宝把牛奶洒了。Baby has spilt his milk.
你认为那只猫会怎么做?What do you think the cat will do?
猫会舔地上的牛奶。Cats will lick milk on the ground.
你认为大卫早餐会吃什么?What do you think David will have for breakfast?
大卫将吃一个鸡蛋和一杯果汁作为早餐。David will eat an egg and a glass of juice for breakfast.
一壶果汁jug of juice
咖啡壶coffee pot
一罐果酱jar of jam