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level: level 9

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level questions: level 9

noun the body of knowledge, especially of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject. learning, knowledge, or erudition.lore
noun self-restraint or abstinence, especially in regard to sexual activity; temperance; moderation.continence
adjective not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary. just begun; incipient. not organized; lacking order.inchoate
adjective not frugal or miserly; generousunstinting
adjective forming, filling, or writing a large volume or many volumes. sufficient to fill a volume or volumes. of great volume, size, or extent. of ample size, extent, or fullness.voluminous
adjective having lost former closeness and affection : in a state of alienation from a previous close or familial relationshipestranged
verb to turn away in feeling or affection; make unfriendly or hostile; alienate the affections of. to remove to or keep at a distance.estrange
adjective of doubtful authorship or authenticity. false; spurious.apocryphal
verb to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc. to provide or supply (often followed by with).furnish
adjective (of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid:crass
adjective tyrannized over; oppressed: trampled upon.downtrodden
noun a suspension of hostilities for a specified period of time by mutual agreement of the warring parties; cease-fire; armistice.truce
verb (used with object) to draft for military or naval service. to compel into service. noun a recruit obtained by conscription. adjective enrolled or formed by conscription; drafted:conscript
adjective narrow-minded or illiberal; provincial. standing alone; detached; isolated. of or relating to an island or islands.insular
adjective having or showing a prejudiced mind, as persons or opinions; biased. not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind.narrow-minded
noun a public outburst, esp of protest; uproar a sudden widespread enthusiasm for something; craze frenzy; rage; madnessfurore
noun a defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actionsapologia
noun moral weakness; liability to yield to temptation. a fault resulting from moral weakness.frailty
adjective logic of or relating to belief denoting the branch of modal logic that studies the concept of beliefdoxastic
verb to grant authoritative permission or license to. noun formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession. a certificate, tag, plate, etc., giving proof of such permission; official permit:license
noun the quality or state of being exuberant an exuberant act or expressionexuberance
adjective expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful.plaintive
verb to collect or gather into a cluster or mass. adjective gathered together into a cluster or mass.agglomerate
noun a jumbled cluster or mass of varied parts. the act or process of agglomerating.agglomeration
noun number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; a bunch. a group of things or persons close together.cluster
adjective whirling; spinning; rotary. affected with vertigo; dizzy. liable or threatening to cause vertigo. apt to change quickly; unstable.vertiginous
adjective Informal. utterly bewildered, confused, or puzzled:flummoxed
verb (used with object) to gather for oneself; collect as one's own. to collect into a mass or pile; gather.amass
noun the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful; infamy. a cause or object of such disgrace or reproach.opprobrium
adjective pertaining to or of the nature of farce. resembling farce; ludicrous; absurd.farcical
noun the act of bringing to an end verb to bring to a conclusion : END to put in order for the purpose of bringing to an endwind up
transitive verb to loosen from or as if from mooringsunmoor
verb to make fast with or as if with cables, lines, or anchors : ANCHOR to secure a boat by mooring : ANCHOR to be made fastmoor
German phrase above everything elseüber alles
adjective acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration. characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration.rash
adjective named after the specified person, place, or thing, usually its founder, creator, inventor, discoverer, or source. giving one’s name to a place or thing:eponymous
noun the act of cleaving or splitting. the area between a woman's breasts, especially when revealed by a low-cut neckline. a critical division in opinion, beliefs, interests, etc., as leading to opposition between two groups:cleavage
noun a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.polarization
verb to fly upward, as a bird. to fly at a great height, without visible movements of the pinions, as a bird. to glide along at a height, as an airplane. to rise or ascend to a height, as a mountain. to rise or aspire to a higher or more exalted level.soar
noun the wine from a particular harvest or crop. the annual produce of the grape harvest, especially with reference to the wine obtained. an exceptionally fine wine from the crop of a good year. adjective of or relating to wines or winemaking. verb to gather or harvest (grapes) for wine-making:vintage
noun The fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period. the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.ethos
adjective full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious.baleful
verb to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in a formal manner:abdicate
verb to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way.moralize
verb to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish. to put an end to or suppress (a nuisance). to suspend or extinguish (an action). to omit.abate
verb to become fewer in number.thin out
noun an accumulation of tasks unperformed or materials not processed a reserve or accumulation, as of stock, work, or business. verb to hold in reserve, as for future handling or repair. to enter and acknowledge (an order) for future shipmentbacklog
adverb with speed; quickly; swiftly.apace
adjective damaged, weakened, or worn down by strain or irritationfrayed
adjective of, relating to, or coming from a province limited in outlook : NARROW lacking the polish of urban society : UNSOPHISTICATED noun a person who lives in or comes from the provinces. a person who lacks urban sophistication or broad-mindedness.provincial
noun the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate. Philosophy. the doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable predetermination.fatalism
adjective of, relating to, or devoted to another world, as the world of imagination or the world to come.otherworldly
verb to happen, end, or develop in a particular way : TURN OUTpan out
verb to strew (a place) with scattered objects, rubbish, etc.. to scatter (objects) in disorder. noun objects strewn or scattered about; scattered rubbish. a condition of disorder or untidiness.litter
verb to let fall in separate pieces or particles over a surface; scatter or sprinkle. to cover or overspread (a surface, place, etc.) with something scattered or sprinkled. to be scattered or sprinkled over (a surface). to spread widely; disseminate.strew
verb to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse:disseminate
adjective capable of being scaled capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demandscalable
verb to incite to action or accelerated growth or development : STIMULATE to proceed hurriedly; press forward:spur
verb to make necessary repairs on; restore to serviceable condition. to investigate or examine thoroughly for repair or revision. to gain upon, catch up with, or overtake, as in a race. to haul or turn over for examination.overhaul
noun the rapid and extensive discoloration, wilting, and death of plant tissues. a disease so characterized. any cause of impairment, destruction, ruin, or frustration. verb to cause to wither or decay; blast. to destroy; ruin; frustrate.blight
adjective causing or involving calamity; disastrous.calamitous
noun a destructive capacity greatly exceeding that required for a given target an excess of something (such as a quantity or an action) beyond what is required or suitable for a particular purposeoverkill
noun a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior. Psychiatry. the chronic tendency toward repetition of criminal or antisocial behavior patterns.recidivism
noun a seat for a rider on the back of a horse or other animal. verb to put a saddle on. to load or charge, as with a burden:saddle
noun reduction, curtailment; specifically : a cutting of expensesretrenchment
noun the act of passing across, over, or through. something that crosses, obstructs, or thwarts; obstacle. a transversal or similar line. a place where one may traverse or cross; crossing. verb to pass or move over, along, or through. to pass along or go across something; cross: to travel acrosstraverse
noun sharpness; acuteness; keenness.acuity
noun a state of wild disorder : TURMOIL verb to roll, toss, or heave, as waves or the sea. to roll, writhe, or tumble about; wallow, as animals (often followed by about). to become deeply or extensively involved, associated, entangled, etc.welter
verb to lay claim to, often insincerely; pretend to: to declare openly; announce or affirm; avow or acknowledge: to affirm faith in or allegiance to (a religion, God, etc.). to declare oneself skilled or expert in; claim to have knowledge of; make (a thing) one's profession or business. to teach as a professor.profess
noun a pledge or promise; obligation. dedication; allegiance:commitment
adjective actively poisonous; intensely noxious. Medicine/Medical. highly infective; malignant or deadly. Bacteriology. causing clinical symptoms. violently or spitefully hostile.virulent
verb to speak disparagingly of; denounce as faulty or worthless; express censure of:decry
noun a point that marks the beginning of a change. a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) : TURNING POINTcusp
verb to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority.vie
noun things wanted or needed; the plural of desideratum.desiderata
noun something wanted or needed.desideratum
noun nothing; nonexistence adjective lost; ruined.naught
adjective full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. attended by all qualified members; fully constituted.plenary
verb to make plain or clear; explain; interpret. to develop (a principle, theory, etc.).explicate
noun IMAGE, REPRESENTATION a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance.simulacrum
adjective having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful.indolent
noun thoughtful observation. full or deep consideration; reflection.contemplation
adjective given to or characterized by contemplation.contemplative
noun acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like; persons living in the same general locality and forming a more or less cohesive group.kith
noun a clause in a statute, contract, or the like, by which a condition is introduced. a stipulation or condition.proviso
adjective commonly accepted or supposed assumed to exist or to have existedputative
adjective unlawfully or irregularly begotten; born of unmarried parents; illegitimate. badly conceived, made, or carried out.misbegotten
noun a small pit, usually for one or two soldiers, dug as a shelter in a battle area.foxhole
adjective precisely adjusted for the highest level of performance, efficiency, or effectiveness improved or refined over timefine-tuned
adjective ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable tractable: liable to be called to account; answerable; legally responsible. capable of or agreeable to being tested, tried, analyzed, etc.amenable
noun U.S. Politics. the dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into as few districts as possible. verb to divide or arrange (a territorial unit) into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantagegerrymander
adverb abroad; away from home. off the beaten path; far and wide. off the mark. in or to the field or countryside. beyond the range or field of one's experience, knowledge, acquaintanceship, etc.afield
noun something that is essential, indispensable, or basic. the chief foundation on which something is constructed or developed.cornerstone
noun malicious resentfulness or hostility; spiterancour
noun, British a dangerous or troublesome place or areablack spot
noun perception of the nature of an event after it has happenedhindsight
verb to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely. to examine or explore with a probe. noun an investigation, especially by a legislative committee, of suspected illegal activity. a projecting, pipelike device on a receiving aircraft used to make connection with and receive fuel from a tanker aircraft during refueling in flight.probe
adjective not personal; without reference or connection to a particular person. having no personality; devoid of human character or traits. lacking human emotion or warmth.impersonal
noun belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism). belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.deism
adjective not commensurate; disproportionate; inadequate.incommensurate