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level: level 13

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level 13

adjective producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful. producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive. a prolific writer. profusely productive or fruitful (often followed by in or of).prolific
noun a detective. verb to act as a detective : search for informationsleuth
adjective extremely delicate or refined heavenly or celestial lacking material substance : IMMATERIAL, INTANGIBLEethereal
noun a learned person, expert, or authority. a person who makes comments or judgments, especially in an authoritative manner; critic or commentator.pundit
noun an embarrassing public blunderblooper
noun a puzzle or problem whose solution requires great ingenuity.brainteaser
noun a mechanical contrivance; gadget; device.contraption
adjective lacking variety; boring; dull.humdrum
noun careful consideration before decision. formal consultation or discussion.deliberation
verb to make an official decision about who is right in (a dispute) : to settle judicially to act as judge of (a contest).adjudicate
adjective causing sadness or gloom. dull; boring. sorrowful; sad.dreary
adjective unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted. lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded.myopic
adjective arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death. published after the death of the author. born after the death of the father.posthumous
adjective angered at something unjust or wrongincensed
adjective utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. recklessly prodigal or extravagant.profligate
noun Informal. a government appropriation, bill, or policy that supplies funds for local improvements designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.pork barrel
adjective contrary to factcounterfactual
verb to be in harmony or accord; agreejibe
noun weight; heaviness significance or importance.heft
adjective lacking a body or freed from the body; incorporeal lacking in substance, solidity, or any firm relation to realitydisembodied
verb to manipulate to a desired end by adroit handling or persistent effort.coax
adverb in great quantities, especially excessively or gluttonously. in a way that is extremely eager or avid.voraciously
adjective bound by or as if by a spell; enchanted, entranced, or fascinatedspellbound
adjective performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial. lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic.perfunctory
verb to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually followed by to). to become beneficial or advantageous.inure
noun the range of operation, authority, control, concern, etc. the range of vision, insight, or understanding.purview
verb to present, especially deliberately, the appearance of being; profess or claim, often falsely. to convey to the mind as the meaning or thing intended; express or imply.purport
adjective freakishly or grotesquely strange or odd, as appearance, dress, objects, ideas, or practices; bizarre. having a foreign appearance. remote from civilized areas; out-of the-way.outlandish
adjective vulgar and evil containing obscenities, abuse, or slanderscurrilous
noun a person or thing detested or loathed. a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction. a formal ecclesiastical curse involving excommunication.anathema
noun a meaningless chant or expression used in conjuring or incantation. a juggler's trick; sleight of hand. nonsense or sham used especially to cloak deceptionhocus-pocus
adjective present but not visible, apparent, or activated; existing as potential.latent
phrasal verb to invent (something, such as an idea, excuse, etc.) to deal with a particular situation to prepare (food) for eating especially quicklycook up
adjective of no essential consequence; unimportant. not pertinent; irrelevant. not material; incorporeal; spiritual.immaterial
adjective resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly. noisy, clamorous, or boisterous.obstreperous
adjective not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless.unruly
noun a person who is eccentric, unrealistic, or fanatical. one given to eccentric or lunatic notions adjective eccentric; impractical; fanatical.crackpot
verb to occupy the place of authority or control, as in an assembly or meeting; act as president or chairperson. to exercise management or control (usually followed by over).preside
noun something that nourishes an animal or vegetable organism; food; nutriment. insipid intellectual nourishmentpabulum
adjective without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid. without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland.insipid
adjective characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination (of a person) inciting or taking part in a riot. produced or growing in extreme abundanceriotous
adjective having analogy; corresponding in some particularanalogous
noun ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perceptionclairvoyance
adjective hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused cloudy or cloudlike. of or resembling a nebula or nebulae in deep space; nebular.nebulous
noun an object occupying a central position one that is of central importance or interest in a larger wholecentrepiece
verb to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively —often used with in or toacquiesce
verb to sacrifice. to kill as a sacrificial victim, as by fire; offer in sacrifice. to destroy by fire.immolate
verb to shut out or exclude from a place or condition: to hinder or prevent; prohibitdebar
adjective Spanning more than one century.intersecular
verb to send out, as sweat; emit through pores or small openings. to project or display conspicuously or abundantly; radiate.exude
adjective pertaining to, containing, or consisting of semen. Botany. of or relating to seed. having possibilities of future development. highly original and influencing the development of future eventsseminal
verb to pull or draw with force; move by drawing; drag: to cart or transport; carry. noun an act or instance of hauling; a strong pull or tug. the act of taking or acquiring something. something that is taken or acquired.haul
adjective aimlessly wandering. taking an irregular course; straggling. spread out irregularly in various directions. straying from one subject to another; desultory.rambling
adjective suitable; well-adapted; pertinent; relevant; aptapposite
verb to introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts; interject; interpose; intercalate. Mathematics. to insert, estimate, or find an intermediate term in (a sequence). to alter (a text) by the insertion of new matter, especially deceptively or without authorization.interpolate
verb to overlay or face (wood) with thin sheets of some material, as a fine wood, ivory, or tortoise shell. to face or cover (an object) with any material that is more desirable as a surface material than the basic material of the object; revet. to give a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance to.veneer
noun belief as to the truth of something something giving a claim to belief or confidencecredence
noun authoritative permission or approval, as for an action. something that serves to support an action, condition, etc. something that gives binding force, as to an oath, rule of conduct, etc. verb to authorize, approve, or allow to ratify or confirmsanction
adjective not able to produce the desired effect; ineffective.inefficacious
verb (used with object) to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer. to commit theft; steal.purloin
adjective unlucky; luckless; unfortunate.hapless
verb Carry off mysteriously or secretlyspirit away
noun division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs. division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups.dichotomy
adjective discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude without ceremony or formalities; informal.unceremonious
adjective overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited bubbling up like a boiling liquidebullient
adjective truthful; veracious. corresponding to facts; not illusory; real; actual; genuine.veridical
verb to tear roughly; mangle to distress or torture mentally or emotionally; wound deeply; pain greatlylacerate
noun the result of lacerating; a rough, jagged tear.laceration
adjective fond of the company of others; sociable. living in flocks or herds, as animals.gregarious
adjective done in a roundabout way rather than directly; not in a forthright mannerobliquely
noun extreme or excessive admiration or flatteryadulation
verb (used with object) to locate or describe exactly or precisely adjective exact; precise:pinpoint
verb to remove the ambiguity from; make unambiguousdisambiguate
adjective dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric little known; obscurerecondite
verb to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel. to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly; squander; depletedissipate
verb to outdo; surpass; excel. to outdo or pass in running or swift travel: to get ahead of or leave behind in a race or in any course of competition. to exceedoutstrip
verb (used with object) to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong.protract
verb to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; recommend to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence to cite or name with approval or special praisecommend
abbreviation ceteris paribus.cet. par.
verb to prescribe (a course of action) with authority or emphasis to direct or order to do somethingenjoin
noun an act or instance of enjoining. a command; order; admonitioninjunction
noun a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings a complication or intricacy of form, design, or structureconvolution
noun earnest request or petition; supplication.entreaty
adjective unable to bend or be penetrated under pressure; hard not apt to give way under pressure; inflexible; firmunyielding
noun an unexpected gain, piece of good fortune, or the like. something blown down by the wind, as fruit.windfall
verb (used without object) to withdraw or disavow a statement, opinion, etc., especially formally.recant
adjective not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform impervious to constraints or punishment; willful; unruly; uncontrollable firmly fixed; not easily changedincorrigible
adjective committed or obligated to repay a monetary loan obligated for favors or kindness receivedindebted
noun Also called blood feud. a bitter, continuous hostility, especially between two families, clans, etc., often lasting for many years or generations. a bitter quarrel or contention verb to engage in a feud.feud
adjective making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking having a shrill, irritating quality or characterstrident
adjective characterized by facility and skilldeft
noun a pipe, tube, or the like, for conveying water or other fluid. a similar natural passage. any means of transmission or conveyance, as of informationconduit
adjective natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place (of a disease) persisting in a population or region, generally having settled to a relatively constant rate of occurrenceendemic
noun sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, speech, disposition, etc.acrimony
noun (used with a plural verb) a person's relatives collectively; kinfolk; kin. a group of persons related to another; family, tribe, or clan. relationship by birth or descent, or sometimes by marriage; kinship. resemblance or connection; affinity adjective associated by origin, nature, qualities, etc. having the same belief, attitude, or feeling related by birth or descent; having kinshipkindred
adjective of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme being more than is proper or normal; exaggerated in language or style. noun a superlative person or thing. the utmost degree; acme.superlative
verb to come into use; take or have effect. to become beneficial or advantageous. to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually followed by to)inure
adjective having a thin skin. sensitive to criticism, reproach, or rebuff; easily offended; touchythin-skinned
verb to thrust (something) forward or upon a person, especially without warrant or invitation. to thrust forth; push out.obtrude
adjective on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area related to the key issue but not of central importanceperipheral