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level: Natural selection and preservation

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Natural selection and preservation

What do all organisms have to compete for in order to survive and reproduce?Resources
What do certain organisms have that make them more likely to succeed against competitors and pass on their genes to the next generation?Useful characteristics
What often happens to organisms that are not successful against competitors, which ultimately means their genes are not passed on?Die before reproducing
If organisms with useful characteristics continue to reproduce over time, what happens regarding the useful characteristics?They become more common
What is the name of the process where a useful characteristic becomes more common, and non-useful ones become less common over time?Natural selection
What is an example of an animal that has evolved over time by the process of natural selection, whereby its neck has grown longer to reach food higher up?Giraffe
What is the definition of the word extinct?A species that has died out completely
What can happen to a species that cannot compete against other species over a long period of time?It can become extinct
What can affect the longevity of a species that has otherwise thrived and been able to compete against others sucessfully?Changes in environment
What is the term used to describe species that are at risk of becoming extinct?Endangered
What is the name of the system of species of plant and animal that co-exist and depend on one another for food and resources?Ecosystem
What can happen if one species that is part of an ecosystem becomes endangered or extinct?It can have a knock on effect on other species
What can happen to humans as a species when other species become extinct?We can suffer
Why is it important for us to preserve all species on Earth and maintain the planets biodiversity?To protect our ecosystems
What is the name of a place that stores genes of many different species?Gene bank
What is the importance of a gene bank?To maintain biodiversity
What can a gene bank do if they have the genes of a species that has become endangered or even extinct?Try to create new members of that species
How are genes stored in a gene bank for plants?Seeds are stored
How are genes stored in a gene bank for animals?Sperms and egg cells are frozen and stored
What is another way that we can prevent animal species becoming extinct?Preserve their habitat