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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what is the blood vessels in circulationarteries, veins, capillaries
what two circuits does the heart pump bloodpulmonary circuit(right side), systemic circuit(left side)
which circuit pumps blood with no oxygenpulmonary circuit(right side)
what is apex of the heartrounded point
what is the base of the heart meanflat part
the heart wall consists of 3 layersepicardium ,myocardium, endocardium
what type of tissue is endocardiumepithelial simple squamous
what is the wall of the heartcardiac muscle or myocardium
what layer of connective tissue is surrounding the outside of the heartepicardum(serous membrane)
what is pericarditisinflammation of pericardium
what is cardiac taponade?large volume of fluid or blood accumulates in pericardial cavity
what is auriclesanterior extensions of atria
coronary sulcus isseparates atria from ventricle
interventriculuar sulcusis anterior and posterior and seperates right and left ventricles
what is the difference between a vein and arteriesveins are vessels that bring blood to the heart while arteries take blood away from the heart
function of atriacollect venous blood
structures of atria right sideopenings of superior and inferior vena cava
structures of atria right sideopening of the coronary sinus
structures of atria rightfossa ovalis former foramen ovalis
structures of atria rightpectinated muscle
2 nodes in atriaSA , AV nodes
structure of left atriaopenings of 2 right and two left pulmonary veins
the openings of 2 right and two left pulmonary veins does whatbrings oxygen righ blood from lungs to left atrium
structure of left atriapenctinated muscle
ventricles functionrecieve blood from atria, pump blood through arteries
structures of ventricles ride sideopening to pulmonary trunk
structures of ventricles right sidetrabeculae carnae
structures of ventricles right sidepapillary muscle
structures of left side of ventriclestrabeculae carnae
structures of left side ventriclespapillary muscle
structures of left side ventriclesopening to aorta
what are two main functions of pulmonary trunktakes oxygen depleted blood into lungs , divides into right and left pilmonary arteries
what are trabeculae carnaemuscle ridges of ventricle
what are papillary musclefingerlike projections of muscle that attach to the chordae tendinae of heart valves
functiond of opening to aortaaorta takes oxygen rich blood from left ventricle to systemic circulation
right side of atrioventicularAV valve, tricuspid, pulmonary semilunar valve
left side of atrioventicularAV valve , bicuspid (mitral), aortic semilunar valve
what happens in route of blood flow through the heartboth atria and both ventricles contract at same time
where does blood move from and where does it pass throughmoves from atria to ventricles, passing through opan AV valves
is bicuspid valve open or closed when heart is relaxedopen
what happens to the cusps in bicuspid when heart is relaxesthe cusps of the valve are pushed by the blood into the ventricles
aortic semilunar valve is open or closed when heart is relaxedclosed
what happens to the cusps in the aortic semulunar valve when heart is relaxedthe cusps of the valve overlap as they are pushed by the blood in the aorta toward the ventricle
where does deoxygenated blood arrive atat the right atri via SVC, IVC, and coronary sinus
where does oxygenated blodd arrive atat the left atria via four pulmonary veins
when does valve positionwhen blood is flowing out of the left ventricle
is the bicuspid valve open or closed when hearting is contractedclosed
what happens the cusps in bicuspid valve when heart is contractedcusps of the valve overlap as they are pushed by the blood toward the left atrium
is aortic semilunar valve open or closed when heart is contractedopen
what happens to cusps in aortic semilnar valve when heart is contractedpushed by the blood toward aorta
function of heart skeletionelectrical insulation between atria and ventricle
characteristics of cardiac muscle cellselongated, branching
characteristics of cardiac muscle cellshave intercalated discs
characteristics of cardiac muscle cellsstriated
characteristics of cardiac muscle cellshave sarcomeres
what are two population of muscle cells in heartcontractile and conducting cells
what is the function of conducting cellsgenerate action potentials and relay AP'S to contractile cells
what components of the right atrium does the conductiong system haveSA and AV mode
what components of the ventricles does the conductiong system haveAV bundles, bundle branches, purkinje fibers
SA mode is thepacemakrt of the heart
what happens to the AP's in SA nodeAP's that aere generated at SA node travel through walls of atrium to AV node, spreat throughout contractile cells of atria
what happens to AP's in AV nodeAP's pass through AV node and along AV bundle, AV bundle extends through the interventrucular septum
does AP dlow down at AV nodeyes
what happens to the atria and ventricle when delayedprevents them from contracting at the same time
what does the bundle branches carryAP to apex of each ventricle
what causes delay of impulse at AV bundlesmaller cells of AV bundle, few intercalacted discs
what does the delay at AV bundle allow atria to doto contact before ventricle
in contractile cells, the sodium channels are open or closed in rapid depolarizationopen
in plateau phase, what happens to calciumenough calcium channels are open to slow down depolarization, calcium influx initiates muscle contraction
in pacemaker potential,small number of sodium channels are open, voltage gated ca2+ channels begin to open which mainly responsible for depolarization
depolarization phasevoltage gated ca+ channels open
what does having tachycardia meanheart rate excess of 100 bpm
what does having bradycardia meanheart rate less than 60 bpm
what is cardiac cyclethe repetitive contraction-relaxtion of the heart
what is the normal cardiac cycle lenght in an adult.7-.8 seconds
what does cardiac cycle depend onability of the muscle to contract, integrity of conduction system
what does systole meancontraction
what does diastole meanrelaxation
what happens in a passive ventricular fillingblood passively filling atria pushing AV valves open which most of ventricular filling take place
what happens in atrial systoleatrial contraction finishes filling ventricles
what happens in early ventricular systoleventricular contraction begins, ventricles are filled with blood, AV valves are closed making the first heart sound
end diastolic volume isvolume inside ventricles
in early ventricular systole, what happens to the atriaits relaxed, blood flows through from veins
in early ventricular systole, what happens to the ventriclesits filled with blood, then ventricular contraction begins, AV and semilunar valves remain closed, contraction increases pressure
what happens in the ventrucular systole period of ejectionventricular contraction increases, increasing ventricular pressure, pressure pushes semilunar valves open, blood flows through semilunar valves
what happens in ventricular and atrial diastoleventricles are relaxed, blood inside the aorta and pulmonary trunk returns, filling semilunar valves to close, AV valves closed, second heart starts
what is the strongest aortic/blood pressure120mmHg- 80mmHg
what does MAP meanmean arterial blood pressure
CO meanscardiac output resistance
HR meansheart rate
in cardiac output resistance, how many liters of blood will be pumped out5-6 L/min
MAP are directly porpotional to whatCO
what does preload meanthe volume of blood that arrives at the right atria
what happens when preload is increasesEDV is increased, which stretches the ventricular walls
what is the response to the preload and EDV increasean increase in contractility causing a greater SV, which is called starling law of thr heart
what is afterloadpressure that the left ventricle must exert to open the aortic semilunar valve
when the afterload is increasedit decreases SV, CO and MAP
high blood pressure does what to the afterloadincreases
whats the effects of ANS on the heartincreased sympathetic stimulation
whats the effects of ANS on the heartdecreased parasympathetic stimulation
whats the effects of ANS on the heartincreased secretion of epinephrine and nonepinephrine from adrenal glands
what cranial nerve does parasympathetic involveX vagus nerve
what does parasympathetic stimulation does to HRlowers HR
parasympathic stimulationindirectly increasing SV
changes in blood pressure are detected by whatbaroreceptors
where are baroreceptors are locatedin the carotid and aortic bodies (carotid artery and aorta)
normal blood pressure80-120 mmHg
what does the sensory branches of glossopharyngeal and vagus direct their message fromthe baroreceptors to the cardiovascular area in the medulla which returns to homeostatic conditions
coronary heart disease is whatclogged coronary arteries reduce the amount of blood delivered to the heart
what does coronary heart disease causeangina pectoris or heart pain
myocardial infarction areheart attacks