Biopsychology as a Neuroscience Ch1
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Biopsychology as a Neuroscience Ch1 - Details
45 questions
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Taking into account evolutionary pressures in the formation of brains & bodies. Comparison with other animals integral. | Evolutionary perspective |
The scientific study of the biology of behaviour | Biopsychology |
The study of the chemical bases of neural activity | Neurochemistry |
The study of the effects of drugs on neural activity | Neuropharmacology |
The study of nervous system disorders | Neuropathology |
The study of biological processes by comparing different species. | Comparative approach |
A different group of subjects is tested under each condition. | Between subjects design |
Same group of subjects to multiple/each conditions test. | Within subjects design |
The variable that is being manipulated in experiment. | Independent variable |
The variable being measured in experiment. | Dependent variable |
A variable that isn't the IV that affects DV. | Confounded variable |
The fact that a sex exhausted male can often recommence copopulating with a new sex partner, | Coolidge effect |
Studies of groups of individuals who have been exposed to the conditions of interest IRL | Quasi experimental studies |
Studies that focus on a single case or subject | Case studies |
The degree to which results can be applied to other cases | Generalisability |
Motivated by curiosity. | Pure research |
Intended to bring direct benefit to humankind. | Applied research |
Research that aims to translate the findings of pure research into useful applications | Translational research |
Study of the psychological effects of brain damage in humans. Almost exclusively, case studies & quasi experiments | Neuropsychology |
Manipulation of neural act & behav with drugs | Psychopharmacology |
Study of evolution, genetics & adaptiveness of behaviour mostly with comparative method | Comparative psychology |
Study of neural mechanisms of behaviour by manipulating the nervous system of non-humans | Physiological psychology |
Study of relation between physiological activity & psychological processes (human volunteers non-invasive) | Psychophysiology |
Study of neural mechanisms of human cognition largely with functional brain imaging | Cognitive neuroscience |
Outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres | Cerebral cortex |
A test that detects electrical activity in the brain w small metal discs attached to the scalp. | Electroencephalogram (EEG) |
Regulates functions of internal organs such as heart, stomach, intestines. Is a part of PNS. | Autonomic Nervous system (ANS) |
Study of animal behav in natural environment | Ethological research |
When different approaches used on problem to compensate for each strengths & weaknesses | Converging operations |
Brain damage (mainly memory loss & inability to make new memory) is associated with thiamine (Vitamin B) deficiency | Korsakoff's Syndrome |
Measurements and observable events to logically infer events that can’t be observed. | Scientific inference |
When there are several possible interpretations for a behavioural observation, to give precedence to simplist | Morgan's Canon |
A treatment for mental illness where connections to the prefrontal lobes & the rest of the brain are surgically severed | Prefrontal Lobotomy |
Large areas at the front of brain (left & right) responsible in variety of complex behav, planning & personality. | Prefrontal lobes |
A tool used in lobotomies | Leucotome |
A lobotomy performed with an ice pick-like device inserted /driven under the eyelid, through the orbit into prefrontal lobes | Transorbital Lobotomy |
Any brain surgery intended to treat mental illness | Psychosurgery |