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Certified Lactation Consultant Study Guide

In English

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Red Dog

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Is 39 weeks premature?

No (Babies born before 37 weeks are premature.) Pg. 171

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198 questions
Is 39 weeks premature?
No (Babies born before 37 weeks are premature.) Pg. 171
What does it mean to be exclusively breastfed?
Breast milk only - no other food or drink Pg. 165
What percentage of weight loss in normal after birth?
7% or less -weight loss of more than 7% indicates possible breastfeeding problems. Pg. 217 in Pocket Guide
An appropriate check-up for a breastfed newborn should include:
Asking additional questions and assessing a feeding. Pg. 217 in Pocket Guide
How would you calulate the daily milk requirment for a normal (within weight range) baby? (Baby is 8 lbs.)
Lbs. x 2.5 = Ounces a baby should intake per day (8 x 2.5 = 20 ounces) x 2.7-3 if baby needs to catch up on weight Pg. 199 in Pocket Guide
What is prolactin?
A hormone that causes milk to be made. (MAKE THE MILK - for milk - for making milk) Pg. 10-11
What is oxytocin?
A hormone that causes the milk to move. (MOOVE THE MILK) Pg. 10-11
What is Lactogensis 1?
Colostrum: -derived from placenta hormones. Begins: during mid-pregnancy Pg. 13
What is Lactogensis II?
Transitional Milk: Begins - after delivery of baby and placenta Ends - when colostrum is no longer created Pg. 13
What is Lactogensis III?
Mature Milk: Begins: after first drop of mature milk Pg. 13
What is a paracellular transport?
The milk cells have space in between them, to allow substances to pass through. (first few days after birth) O | O | O Pg. 13
What is transcellular pathway/transport?
Substances have to go through the milk cell to enter the milk. (spaces have closed - closing the paracellular transport) Takes place during later breastfeeding. OOO -> Pg. 13
What does gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) do?
The hormones promote glucose induced insulin release and exert tropic (growth promoting) effects in the gut. CCK induces satiety (fullness), postprandial sedation and sleep. (Stores energy and makes baby sleepy.) CCK = OK (non-stress) Pg. 17-18
What increases gastrin and decreases somatostatin in babies?
-Sucking -Species' own milk -Decreased stress -Wellness -Touch (CCK & Gastrin = OK (non-stress)) Pg. 17-18
What does somatostatin do?
Causes stress, which will slow nutrition to baby and keep baby from growing. (S = STRESS) Pg. 17-18
What does bout mean?
The nipple is stimulated. (baby eating) Pg. 10
What does inter-bout mean?
The nipple is not stimulated. (baby is at rest - not eating) Pg. 10
What does weaning mean?
Lengthening the inter-bout interval. (The time at rest - not eating.) Pg. 10
How frequent should human feedings be?
Continuous - on baby's cue. Pg. 13
What happens if you have a lot of prolactin and not enough oxytocin?
Engorgement (Prolactin = make the milk & Oxytocin = moove the milk) Pg. 12
What is foremilk?
The milk at the beginning of the a feed. (think before) Pg. 14
What is hindmilk?
The milk fromt he end of a feed. (think dessert) Pg. 14
What is a microbiome?
What is living in our gut. Pg. 15
What is an example of protection?
State law on breastfeeding in public. Pg. 2
What is an example of promotion?
Breastfeeding costs less Pg. 2
What is an example of support?
La Leche League Leader Pg. 2
What is the International Code of Marketing?
It restricts formula marketing practices. Pg. 2
What are montgomery glands?
They secrete lubricating fluid on the areola. (Bumps around the nipple.) Pg. 9
Elevated prolactin levels close what?
Paracellular pathway O|O|O (think triangles) Pg. 13
What is the Cochrane Collaboration?
They conduct systematic reviews. Pg. 3
What is a lactiferous sinus?
It is not in humans. (Think lucifer - not human) Pg. 8-9
What is cholecystokinin (CCK)?
A GI hormone that causes fullness/sedation. (CCK = OK) Pg. 17
Colostrum is produced by what?
Pregnancy hormones. Pg. 13
What is anabolism?
Storing energy for growth. Pg. 17
What are myoepithelial cells?
Muscle cells around the alveolus. (Think skin muscles.) Pg. 8
What is an alveolus?
A cluster of alveolar cells. Alveolar cells are milk making cells. (Think like a balloon.) Pg. 8
What are alveolar cells?
Cells that make milk. (Think balloon like.) Pg. 8
What is a receptor site?
Cellular "lock" for a chemical "key". (Think of the triangles.) Pg. 11
Baby hand massage is an example of what?
A oxytocin releasing mechanism. (Think MOOve milk.) Pg. 11
What is the number one reason mother's quite breastfeeding?
Quantity/Quality of breast milk supply. Pg. 5
What is complimentary feeding?
Child is older than 6 months of age and receiving bf milk and solid or semi-solid foods. Pg. 4 Pocket Guide
What is supplemental feeding?
Food other than breastmilk is given to an infant to replace breastmilk calories - Child is under 6 months. Pg. 173
What is the 3rd infant feeding hierarchy?
Banked Donor Human Milk Pg. 37
What is a maternal benefit of BF for >1 year?
Reduction in risk of hypertension.