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26 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
To develop a good bond with others | Nurture a good relationship |
To write down memos and histories in words | Keep a record |
To relay information behind | Leave a message |
To decide on something | Reach a decision |
To be stubborn and unwilling to listen and change | Set in someone's ways |
Obviously | Goes without saying |
To be constantly searching for | On the lookout for |
To be a danger toward something | Pose a threat |
To find errors and weakness in something | Criticise someone for something |
To consider different factors | Take into account |
To bring up a point of view | Points I'd like to raise |
To be determined and pay a lot of attention | Put my mind to it |
To reach a decision without considering everything | Jump to conclusion |
Small, marginal difference between 2 things | A fine balance |
Short summary | Brief description |
The feeling of not belonging to a certain place | Out of place |
Very impossible | Highly unlikely |
To tell something in a fully made-up manner | Grossly exaggerated |
Not fit | Out of shape |
Calm | Cool head |
To think very carefully | Careful consideration |
To concentrate fully on something | Pay attention |
To manage things without going poorly | Keep under control |
To use something that is already available | Take advantage |
To be pregnant | Expecting a baby |
To work hard on something | Make an effort |