emma's spanish course
list of basics for spanish conversation
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51 questions
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How would you ask someone "What are you called"? | ¿Cómo te llamas? |
¿Cómo te llamas? | How would you ask someone "What are you called"? |
How would you ask someone "How old are you"? | ¿Cuántos años tienes? |
How would you tell someone "I am 20 years old"? | Tengo veinte años |
Me llamo | How would you tell someone "My name is"? |
How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? | ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? |
How would you tell someone "My birthday is the 15th of June"? | Mi cumpleaños es el quince de junio |
¿Cuántos años tienes? | How would you ask someone "How old are you"? |
How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? | ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? |
How would you ask someone "What do you like"? | ¿Qué te gusta? |
Tengo veinte años | How would you tell someone "I am 20 years old"? |
How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? | ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? |
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? | How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? |
How would you tell someone "I am short"? | Soy bajo/a |
Mi cumpleaños es el quince de junio | How would you tell someone "My birthday is the 15th of June"? |
How would you tell someone "I am tall"? | Soy alto/a |
How would you tell someone "I have red hair"? | Soy pellirrojo/a |
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? | How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? |
How would you tell someone "I have black hair"? | Tengo el pelo negro |
How would you tell someone "I have blue eyes"? | Tengo los ojos azules |
¿Qué te gusta? | How would you ask someone "What do you like"? |
How would you tell someone "I have brown eyes"? | Tengo los ojos marrones |
How would you tell someone "I have green eyes"? | Tengo los ojos verdes |
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? | How would you ask someone "When is your birthday"? |
How would you tell someone "I am lazy"? | Soy perezoso/a |
How would you tell someone "I am intelligent"? | Soy intelligente |
Me gusta | How would you tell someone "I like.."? |
How would you tell someone "I am sporty"? | Soy deportista |
How would you tell someone "I am hardworking"? | Soy trabajador(a) |
Soy | How do you say "I am" in Spanish? |
How do you say "My father"? | Mi padre |
How do you say "My mother"? | Mi madre |
Soy bajo/a | How would you tell someone "I am short"? |
How do you say "My stepfather"? | Mi padrastro |
How would you tell someone "I am shy"? | Soy tímido/a |
Soy alto/a | How would you tell someone "I am tall"? |
How do you say "My stepmother"? | Mi madrastra |
How would you tell someone "I am nice"? | Soy simpático/a |
Soy pellirrojo/a | How would you tell someone "I have red hair"? |
How do you say "My stepsister"? | Mi hermanastra |
Tengo el pelo negro | How would you tell someone "I have black hair"? |
When remove necessary | Leaf recall |
How do you say "My grandfather"? | Mi abuelo |
Tengo los ojos azules | How would you tell someone "I have blue eyes"? |
How would you tell someone "I am slim"? | Soy delgado/a |
Tengo los ojos marrones | How would you tell someone "I have brown eyes"? |
How would you tell someone "I am fat"? | Soy gordo/a |
How would you tell someone "I have long hair"? | Tengo el pelo largo |
Tengo los ojos verdes | How would you tell someone "I have green eyes"? |
How would you tell someone "I have short hair"? | Tengo el pelo muy corto |
How would you tell someone "I have medium length hair"? | Tengo el pelo bastante largo |
Soy perezoso/a | How would you tell someone "I am lazy"? |
How would you tell someone "I have blonde hair"? | Tengo el pelo rubio |
How would you tell someone "I have brown hair"? | Tengo el pelo castaño |
Soy intelligente | How would you tell someone "I am intelligent"? |
How would you tell someone "I wear glasses"? | Llevo gafas |
How would you tell someone "I don't wear glasses"? | No llevo gafas |
Soy deportista | How would you tell someone "I am sporty"? |
Soy trabajador(a) | How would you tell someone "I am hardworking"? |
How do you say "My sister"? | Mi hermana |
Mi padre | How do you say "My father"? |
How do you say "My brother"? | Mi hermano |
How do you say "My stepbrother"? | Mi hermanastro |
Mi madre | How do you say "My mother"? |
How do you say "My grandmother"? | Mi abuela |
Mi padrastro | How do you say "My stepfather"? |
Sdf | Sdf |
Soy tímido/a | How would you tell someone "I am shy"? |
Mi madrastra | How do you say "My stepmother"? |
Soy simpático/a | How would you tell someone "I am nice"? |
Mi primo | How do you say "My cousin" for a male? |
Mi hermanastra | How do you say "My stepsister"? |
Leaf recall | When remove necessary |
Mi abuelo | How do you say "My grandfather"? |
Mi amigo | How do you say "My friend" for a male? |
Soy delgado/a | How would you tell someone "I am slim"? |
Soy gordo/a | How would you tell someone "I am fat"? |
Tengo el pelo largo | How would you tell someone "I have long hair"? |
Tengo el pelo muy corto | How would you tell someone "I have short hair"? |
Tengo el pelo bastante largo | How would you tell someone "I have medium length hair"? |
Tengo el pelo rubio | How would you tell someone "I have blonde hair"? |
Tengo el pelo castaño | How would you tell someone "I have brown hair"? |
Llevo gafas | How would you tell someone "I wear glasses"? |
No llevo gafas | How would you tell someone "I don't wear glasses"? |
Mi prima | How do you say "My cousin" for a female? |
Mi tía | How do you say "My aunt"? |
Mi tío | How do you say "My uncle"? |
Mi hermana | How do you say "My sister"? |
Mi hermano | How do you say "My brother"? |
Mi hermanastro | How do you say "My stepbrother"? |
Mi abuela | How do you say "My grandmother"? |