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Geology - Leaderboard
Geology - Details
55 questions
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Colorless to silverish-grey:cellophane like, thin elastic sheets, translucent to transparent | Muscovite |
Deep "azure blue" color, streak blue, often encrusting habit;sometimes smooth irregular masses | Azurite |
Salmon pink color cream, 2 cleavages at nearly 90', often has crooked shallow lines on flat surfaces | Orthoclase |
Olive green to black color, appears "sugary", small, translucent grains,which fall off, bo streak | Olivine |
Texture is Phaneritic light pink orange color | Granite (Felsic) |
Texture is Phaneritic white black specks | Diorite (intermediate) |
Dark color, texture is Phaneritic | Gabbro (mafic) |
Texture Aphanitic greyish pink | Rhyolite (felsic) |
Texture Aphanitic , greyish silivercolor | Basalt (Mafic) |
Brownish color texture Porphyritic | Andesite Porphyry (Intermediate) |
Texture Hyaline (glassy) Color black | Obsidian (all compsition) |
Texture Vesicular color whitish brown | Pumice (Felsic) |
Pinkish and dark greyish color texture Vesicular | Scoria (Intermediate/Mafic) |
CaCO3, Cream, tan to brownish in color, dense, crystal microscopic, fizzes strongly with HCI | Fine grained limestone |
(Ca,Mg)2CO3 Greyish-blue, interlocking crystals, fizzes with HCL only if scratched | Dolostone (Dolomite) |
Fossils or imprints of fossil embedded in dense limestone. fizzes with HCL, dense, composed of CaCO3 | Fossiliferous Limestone |
Medium grained micas visible - glitter to fish scale like. Breaks uneven and wavy surfaces | Mica Schist |
Coarse grained;minerals have segregated into altering "layers" of light and darked colored bands | Gneisis |
Very coarse; broken and flattened quartz pebbles, dense and hard (SiO) | Quartz Metaconglomerate |