NihongoNinja ~ Hidden Dojo
This course focuses on drilling spoken Japanese to improve vocabulary and grammar quickly. Answers are all written in romaji as the focus here is on boosting your conversational Japanese skills rather than your reading and writing ability. This course works best when using flashcard mode to learn. Sensei reccommends looking up any words you are unfamiliar with to help your understanding of its purpose and usage.
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799 questions
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That toe is chunky, but this other one is thin | Sono ashi no yubi wa futoi kedo, sore wa hosoi |
Welcome! | Yōkoso! |
Hi! Nice to meet you | Konnichiwa! Hajime mashite |
Yōkoso! | Welcome! |
We meet again! | Mata aimashita ne! |
Goodbye! (See you again) | Jā mata ne! |
Konnichiwa! Hajime mashite | Hi! Nice to meet you |
I'd like a coffee please | Kōhī kudasai |
How much is it? | Ikura desu ka? |
Mata aimashita ne! | We meet again! |
What's your name? | O namae wa nan desu ka? |
My name is Tiger | Watashi no namae wa Tora desu |
Jā mata ne! | Goodbye! (See you again) |
Where are you from? | Doko kara kimashita ka? |
I'm from Europe | Yōroppa kara kimashita |
Kōhī kudasai | I'd like a coffee please |
Are you from Japan? | Nihon kara kimashita ka? |
We have coffee, black tea and green tea | Kōhī, kōcha, ocha ga arimasu |
Ikura desu ka? | How much is it? |
It costs ¥250 | Ni hyaku go jū en desu |
Here you go, ¥500 | Hai, go hyaku en desu |
O namae wa nan desu ka? | What's your name? |
Thanks for the kind treatment | Yoroshiku onegaishimasu |
Same to you, thanks for the kindness | Kochira koso yoroshiku onegaishimasu |
Watashi no namae wa Tora desu | My name is Tiger |
Could I get something hot to drink? | Nanika atatakai nomimono o kudasai |
Yes, by all means! / Yes, I'd love to! | Hai, zehi! |
Doko kara kimashita ka? | Where are you from? |
Of course! | Mochiron desu! |
I'm trying my best | Ganbatte imasu |
Yōroppa kara kimashita | I'm from Europe |
Do you know any good conveyor belt sushi bars? | Dokoka oishī kaiten-zushi o shiranai? |
Difficult isn't it? | Muzukashī desu yo ne? |
Nihon kara kimashita ka? | Are you from Japan? |
Can you use chopsticks? | O hashi wa tsukae masu ka? |
I know a good restaurant | Oishī o-mise o shitteimasu |
Kōhī, kōcha, ocha ga arimasu | We have coffee, black tea and green tea |
No, I don't like meat | Iīe, o niku ga suki ja arimasen |
Shall we go and eat sushi tonight? | Konya o-sushi o tabeni ikimashō ka? |
Ni hyaku go jū en desu | It costs ¥250 |
You're welcome | Dō itashimashite |
Yes but only a little bit | Hai, demo sukoshi dake desu |
Hai, go hyaku en desu | Here you go, ¥500 |
Your English is wonderful! | Eigo ga o jōzu desu ne! |
It's not as good as how you do it! | Kimi hodo jōzu janai desu! |
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu | Thanks for the kind treatment |
Sorry, a little bit more slowly please | Sumimasen, mō sukoshi yukkuri onegaishimasu |
How long have you been studying Japanese? | Doregurai nihongo o benkyō shiteimasu ka? |
Kochira koso yoroshiku onegaishimasu | Same to you, thanks for the kindness |
I've been studying for 3 months | Sanka getsu benkyō shiteimasu |
Go by bus | Basu de ikimasu |
Nani ka atatakai nomimono o kudasai | Could I get something hot to drink? |
Where is the bus stop? | Basu tei wa doko desu ka? |
Is it far from here? | Koko kara tōi desu ka? |
It will take around 15 minutes by bus | Basu de jū go fun gurai desu |
The other side of this road | Kono michi no hantai gawa desu |
Hai, zehi! | Yes, by all means! / Yes, I'd love to! |
How do you get to Kyoto station? | Kyōto-eki wa dō yatte ikimasu ka? |
There aren't any tourists | Kankōkyaku wa imasen |
Mochiron desu! | Of course! |
It's over by there | Sugu soko desu |
Can I ask one more thing? | Mō hitotsu ī desu ka? |
Ganbatte imasu | I'm trying my best |
Where's the toilet? | Toire wa doko desu ka? |
Would you like a pamphlet in English? | Eigo no panhuretto wa ikaga desu ka? |
Dokoka oishī kaiten-zushi o shiranai? | Do you know any good conveyor belt sushi bars? |
Would you take a picture for me? | Shashin o totte moratte mo ī desu ka? |
Is it ok to take photos here? | Koko de shashin o totte mo ī desu ka? |
Muzukashī desu yo ne? | Difficult isn't it? |
I'll go now in a minute | Mō sugu ikimasu |
I'll go at once | Sugu ikimasu |
O hashi wa tsukae masu ka? | Can you use chopsticks? |
I have no idea | Zenzen wakarimasen |
Is there a Japanese-style hotel near here? | Ryokan wa, koko kara chikai no ga arimasu ka? |
Oishī o-mise o shitteimasu | I know a good restaurant |
I sleep on a rice-straw mat | Tatami de neru |
Welcome to our establishment | Irasshai imase |
Īe, o niku wa suki ja arimasen | No, I don't like meat |
Sorry, they're not here | Sumimasen, imasen |
Just me | Watashi dake desu |
Konya o-sushi o tabeni ikimashō ka? | Shall we go and eat sushi tonight? |
How many people for? | Nan mei sama desu ka? |
Is it ok to drink here? | Koko de nonde mo ī desu ka? |
Dō itashimashite | You're welcome |
Is there an English-speaking person here? | Eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka? |
I'd like to book a room | Heya o yoyaku shitai no desu ga |
Would you like a single or double room? | Shinguru rūmu ka daburu rūmu, dochira ga yoroshī desu ka? |
Hai, demo sukoshi dake desu | Yes but only a little bit |
That's ¥250 change | Ni hyaku go jū en no o tsuri desu |
Would you like to ride-share? | Ainori shimasu ka? |
Eigo ga o jōzu desu ne! | Your English is wonderful! |
I'm not working at the moment | Ima wa hataraite imasen |
Ah, the taxi has arrived | Aa, takushī ga kimashita |
Anata hodo jōzu janai desu! | It's not as good as how you do it! |
No. I'm here on business | Īe, shigoto de kimashita |
Are you here on holiday? | Kyūka de kite iru no desu ka? |
Sumimasen, mō sukoshi yukkuri onegaishimasu | Sorry, a little bit more slowly please |
Yes, I am going to the Imperial Hotel | Hai, Teikoku Hoteru ni ikimasu |
Doregurai nihongo o benkyō shiteimasu ka? | How long have you been studying Japanese? |
Oh yes? What is your job? | Sō desu ka? O shigoto wa nan desu ka? |