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Pharmacology for Nurses I: Cardiovascular Medications

In English

Created by:
Michael Collins

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HMG CoA reductase inhibitor; Hyperlipidemia

Atorvastatin: Class and Indication

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176 questions
HMG CoA reductase inhibitor; Hyperlipidemia
Atorvastatin: Class and Indication
Pregnancy, liver problems
Atorvastatin: C/C
Thiazide diuretic; Hypertension and edema in HF
Hydrochlorothiazide: Class and Indication
Dehydration, electrolyte imbalances
Hydrochlorothiazide: Side Effects
Monitor electrolytes, fluids
Hydrochlorothiazide: Nursing Implications
Reduce HR; Reduce PVR; Reduce secretion of renin
Propranolol: Mechanism of Action
Monitor BP and labs
Losartan: Nursing Implications
Calcium channel blockers; Hypertension
Verapamil, Nifedipine, Diltiazem: Class and Indication
Monitor heart rate, EKG, BP, edema, and weight; don't eat grapefruit
Verapamil, Nifedipine, Diltiazem: Nursing Implications
Direct vasodilator; severe hypertension
Hydralazine: Class and Indication
Headache, reflex tachycardia, edema and flushing, N/V/ diarrhea
Hydralazine and Sodium Nitroprusside: Side Effects
Monitor BP and serum electrolytes
Hydralazine: Nursing Implications
Direct vasodilator; Hypertensive emergency
Sodium nitroprusside: Class and Indication
Direct relaxation of arteries and veins
Sodium nitroprusside: Mechanism of Action
Cardiac glycoside; Heart failure
Digoxin: Class and Indication
Antidote for Digoxin; Digoxin toxicity
Digibind: Class and Indication
Antidysrhythmic; Narrow QRS tachycardia
Adenosine: Class and Indication
Slows conduction through AV node
Adenosine: Mechanism of Action
Flush IV port immediately after bolus
Adenosine: Nursing Implications
Pulmonary toxicity, new arrhythmia
Amiodarone: Side Effects
COX inhibitor; Angina
Aspirin: Class and Indication
Anticholinergic; Bradycardia (1st line)
Atropine: Class and Indication
Catecholamine; Cardiac arrest, bradycardia
Epinephrine: Class and Indication
Adrenergic agonist
Epinephrine: Mechanism of Action
Epinephrine: Side Effects
Many, new arrhythmias
Lidocaine: Side Effects
Opioid; Angina
Morphine: Class and Indication
Respiratory depression
Morphine: Side Effects
Nitrate; Angina
Nitroglycerin: Class and Indication
Relaxes smooth muscles in vascular system
Nitroglycerin: Mechanism of Action
Atorvastatin: Class and Indication
HMG CoA reductase inhibitor; Hyperlipidemia
Atorvastatin: Mechanism of Action
Inhibits HMG CoA reductase, causing decreased production of cholesterol
Atorvastatin: Side Effects
Myopathy - myalgia, rhabdomyolysis; ocular and liver toxicity, headache
Atorvastatin: C/C
Pregnancy, liver problems
Atorvastatin: Nursing Implications
Take with evening meal (enzymes more active at night); may not see improvement for 6-12 months
Hydrochlorothiazide: Class and Indication
Thiazide diuretic; Hypertension and edema in HF
Hydrochlorothiazide: Mechanism of Action
Block Na+ reabsorption, accelerating urine formation and removal of Na+ and H2O
Hydrochlorothiazide: Side Effects
Dehydration, electrolyte imbalances
Hydrochlorothiazide: C/C
Should not be used if creatinine clearance is low
Hydrochlorothiazide: Nursing Implications
Monitor electrolytes, fluids
Propranolol: Class and Indication
Non-selective beta-1 adrenergic antagonist; Hypertension
Propranolol: Mechanism of Action
Reduce HR; Reduce PVR; Reduce secretion of renin