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PHPA BIOLOGY TEST 1 - Leaderboard
153 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
What does a bone contain | Store calcium and phsophate |
Hematopoiesis | Production of blood cells |
How many thorax | 1 sternum 24 ribs |
Bone to bone | Ligament |
Muscle to muscle | Tendons |
What type of bone is the patella | Sesamoid |
Where is the epiphyseal line located | Metaphysis of long bone |
Where is fat stores | Medullary cavity |
What makes up the periosteum | Dense Irregular tissue |
Where does the bone grow | Metaphysis |
Name cranial bones | Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital , sphenoid, ethmoid |
What are sutures | Immovable joins that hold the skull together |
Name the sutures of the skull | Coronal, saggital , lambdoid, squamous |
What does the vomer bone form | Inferior nasal septum |
What is the opening of the spinal cord | Foramen magnum |
Which fontanel takes the longest to close | Anterior fontanelle |
Functions of the vetebral column | Support head, attatchment point for ribs/pelvic gurdle/ back muscles, encloses and protects the spine |
What makes up the thoracic cage | Sternum, costal cartilage, ribs, bodies of thoracic vertebrae |
What makes up the pectoral gurdle | Clavical, scapula, acromium, coracoid process, glenoid cavity and humerous |
What bones make up the upper arm | Ulna, Humerous, Radius, 8 Carpal, 5 metacarpal, 14 phalanges |
What is the scaphoid | The easiest metacarpal to break in the hand, it attaches to the radius |
Does the pectoral girdle touch the axial skeleton? | No, the pelvic girdle does |
What makes up the pelvic girdle | Sacrum, illium, pubis |
Biggest foramen in the body | Obturator foramen |
What bones make up the lower leg? | Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella, 7 Tarsals, 5 meta tarsals, 14 phalanges |
What is the calcanius | The heel meta tarsal |
What is the talus | The most commonly broken meta tarsal in the foot- tibia puts the pressure on this |
Function of the skeletal system | Support, movement, protection, store minerals, blood cell production, hearing |
What is bone tissue made up of | Cells, collagen fibres and minerals |
What is compact bone | Makes up diaphysis of long bone, composed of osteons, perforating canals |
Define spongy 'trabecular' bone | Short, flat, irregular bones and epiphysis, red bone marrow |
Name the tissues of long bone | Cartilage, periosteum, endosteum, articular cartilage |
Name the regions of long bone | Diaphysis, epiphysis, mataphysis, medullary cavity |
What part of the skeleton is the scapula in | Appendicular (pectoral girdle) |
What does the coronal suture unite | Frontal and parietal bones |
Sagittal suture unites what | Unites the parietal bones |
What does the lambdoid suture | Parietal and occipital bones |
What does the squamous suture unite | Parietal and temporal bones |
External auditory canal | Canal in temporal bone, leads to middle ear |
What does the temporal bone form | Inferior sides of cranium and part of cranial floor |
Mastoid process | Side attachment for muscles |
Styloid process | Anchors muscles and ligaments in toung |
What nerves do the formaina in the sphenoid pass | Mandibular and optic nerves |
Name paranasal sinuses | Frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus, ethmoidal sinus, maxillary sinus |
Functions of paranasal sinus | Warm and moisten air, make skull less heavy, sound of voice |
Which vertebrae are movable | All except sacrum and coccxy |
What are intervertebral discs | Outter ring is fibrocartilage, interior is soft elastic. Provide shock absorption |
What term refers to hunchback | Kyphosis |
What does the lateral end of the pectoral girdle articulate with | Acromion of scapula |
What is the false pelvis | Between the top of the illiac crests and the top of the pelvic brim |
Where does the proximal humerus articulate | Glenoid cavity |
What bones can you feel at the side fo your knee | Lateral and medial condyles |
Osteoporosis factors | Alcohol, corticosteriod, low calcium/estrogen, smoking, sedentary life |
Define syndesmosis | Immovable joint |
Define amphiarthrosis | A slightly movable joint |
Define diarthrosis | A freely movable joint |
Are synovial joints highly movable? | Yes (diarthrosis) |
The types of synovial joints | Plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball&socket |
Define a plane joint | Atriculating surface is flat, bones glide back and forth and side to side, may rotate (between carpals and tarsals) |
Define Hinge Joints | Convex surface fits into concave surface of another bone (elbow/knee/ankle) |
Define pivot joints | Round/pointed surface fits into ring (radioulnar joint) |
Condyloid Joints | Oval projection fits into oval cavity of another bone (wrist/metacarpalphalangeal joints) |
Saddle joints | Example is carpometacarpal joint between trapezium and thumb |
Define ball and socket joints | Shoulder and hip joints |
What is growth assisted by | Growth hormone, IGF and sex hormones |
What muscle tissue contracts the slowest | Smooth muscle |
Muscle that surrounds the mouth | Orbicularis oris |
Contracts during forced exhalation | Internal intercostals |
What will cause the gastrocnemius to contract | Standing on toes |
Characteristics of skeletal muscle | Multinucleated, lots of mitochondria, containts transverse tubules, has myofibrils |
Myofibrils | Bundles of contractile filaments that give striated appearance (cardiac and skeletal) |
WHat is actin | (thin filament) has tropomyosin and troponin proteins |
Myosin | Thick filament |
Sacromere | The smallest contractile unit |
What is the first result of an action potential on sarcolemma | Release of calcium |
What shortens during contraction in the sacromere | I band and H zone |
What calcium binds to | Troponin |