soccer analysis
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soccer analysis - Leaderboard
soccer analysis - Details
71 questions
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To perform | Rendir |
Rendir | To perform |
To defeat | Vencer |
Vencer | To defeat |
To play each other | Disputarse |
Disputarse | To play each other |
To mean | Suponer |
Suponer | To mean |
To prevail | Imponerse |
Imponerse | To prevail |
The confrontation | El enfrentamiento |
El enfrentamiento | The confrontation |
The summary | El resumen |
El resumen | The summary |
The semifinal | La semifinal |
La semifinal | The semifinal |
The quarterfinals | Los cuartos de final |
Los cuartos de final | The quarterfinals |
The table | La clasificación |
La clasificación | The table |
The relegation | El descenso |
El descenso | The relegation |
To snatch | Arrebatar |
Arrebatar | To snatch |
To score | Anotar |
Anotar | To score |
The jersey number | El dorsal |
El dorsal | The jersey number |
To join | Ingresar |
Ingresar | To join |
The list of winners | El palmarés |
El palmarés | The list of winners |
The campaign | La campaña |
La campaña | The campaign |
Even though | Si bien |
Si bien | Even though |
To move | Desplazar |
Desplazar | To move |
To stop | Cesar |
Cesar | To stop |
The charge | El cargo |
El cargo | The charge |
The extra time | La prórroga |
La prórroga | The extra time |
After | Al cabo de |
Al cabo de | After |
The runner-up | El subcampeón |
El subcampeón | The runner-up |
The facility | El recinto |
El recinto | The facility |
The rating | La calificación |
La calificación | The rating |
The miracle | El milagro |
El milagro | The miracle |
To stand out | Despuntar |
Despuntar | To stand out |
Promising | Prometedor |
Prometedor | Promising |
To leave | Marchar |
Marchar | To leave |
To call up | Convocar |
Convocar | To call up |
Skilled | Hábil |
Hábil | Skilled |
To take advantage of | Aprovechar |
Aprovechar | To take advantage of |
The performance | La actuación |
La actuación | The performance |
To combine | Asociarse |
Asociarse | To combine |
The armband | El brazalete |
El brazalete | The armband |
The shot | El disparo |
El disparo | The shot |
The post | El palo |
El palo | The post |
The pivot | El pivote |
El pivote | The pivot |
The group stage | La primera fase |
La primera fase | The group stage |
The host country | El país anfitrión |
El país anfitrión | The host country |
The theft of the ball | El robo de balón |
El robo de balón | The theft of the ball |
Offsides | Fuera del juego |
Fuera del juego | Offsides |
The champions league | La liga de campeones |
La liga de campeones | The champions league |
Arouse interest | Despertar interés |
Despertar interés | Arouse interest |
Left-footer | Zurdo |
Zurdo | Left-footer |
The hurdles | Los altibajos |
Los altibajos | The hurdles |
The sock | La media |
La media | The sock |
To manage | Gestionar |
Gestionar | To manage |
To brew over | Dar vueltas |
Dar vueltas | To brew over |