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Social influence

In English

Created by:
Hannah Williams

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Outwardly go along with the majority view however, this is only a temporary change while with the group - Asch's Line Study

What is compliance?

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32 questions
To test conformity under non-ambiguous conditions
What was the aim of Asch's Line Study?
123 American male students who were told it was a study into perception
Who took part in Asch's Line Study and what were they told the aim was? - Asch's Line Study
7 stooges and 1 real participant
How many participants were there in a group and how many were confederates? - Asch's Line Study
In 12 out the 18 trails
In how many of the critical trails did the confederates give the wrong answer? - Asch's Line Study
What percentage of the naive participants conformed when all the stooges gave the wrong answer? - Asch's Line Study
How many participants never conformed to the confederates in any of the trails? - Asch's Line Study
How many participants conformed to the stooges in at least 1 trail? - Asch's Line study
In order to "not spoil the results" Others thought the majority were "sheep" for following the first confederate so did the same themselves
What were the two reasons the participants gave when asked why they conformed to the confederates after the study? - Asch's Line Study
They rarely conformed and answered correctly in nearly all the trails
How often would the participants conform when faced with just 1 confederate? - Asch's Line Study
13.6% of the time
What percentage of participants conformed when faced with 2 confederates? - Asch's Line Study
31.8% of the time
What percentage of participants conformed when faced with 3 confederates? - Asch's Line Study
3 confederates
After how many confederates did a change in number of stooges make little to no change in the percentage of conformity? - Asch's Line Study
7 inches
How many inches difference was there in the line length when participants still conformed? - Asch's Line Study
It means that cause and effect can easily be established and the consistency and reliability of the results are high
What did doing the study in a lab under strict controlled conditions means? - Asch's Line Study
How readily do people conform to social roles
What was the aim of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment?
No physical harm was permitted
What was the one main rule? - Zimbardo's Prison Experiment
Intended to run for 2 weeks but only ran for 6 days
How long was the experiment meant to run and how long did it run? - Zimbardo's Prison Experiment
After 2 days
After how many days did the prisoners begin to rebel? - Zimbardo's Prison Experiment