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Forum: Bug Reports
Dashboard search not working properly

Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar

Level: 39
Streak: 100
When trying to search for "Dashboard" in the global search, you are redirected directly to the Dashboard. Not really sure if this is intended (not even sure if the search should work globally or per section) but I needed a list of forum posts and help articles about the dashboard and noticed this unexpected behaviour. For the search itself, given that it is on the same banner as the section title, I was also inclined to think that it will act more like a section search, rather than a global search.


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Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
I'm really late with this one -- playing catchup -- I looked into it. The dashboard redirection may or may not be ideal, but it's currently set to auto-learn based for common terms which sets up an auto-redirect to dashboard in this case as many users click that result. Will consider how we can implement that better
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