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Forum: General Questions
Course Gone

Chris Chamberlin
Chris Chamberlin
New Entrant

Level: 9
Streak: 0
So I've been using a Japanese course called Genki, which mirrors the textbook by the same name. I was up through chapter 4, and I logged in to review before my lesson today. Its gone. Not on my recent courses, not on my dashboard, not found in Courses. Like it never existed. My assumption is that its been deleted for some reason. But if so, that really sucks. What that tells me is that I should not invest any time in a course I have not created myself. Is that correct?



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
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I am sorry to hear that you were using a course which later became unavailable. As you rightly say, this is possible, in the case where the course owner 1) deactivated their account, or 2) deletes the course manually. With Memory, there is always the risk of the above scenarios as the course author owns the right to remove their content. Your final statement is completely justifiable and fair in this regard in principle, however it is a statistically rare occurrence. Regarding the specific course "Genki", I searched and found a course "Japanese Genki 1" which is now deactivated by its owner, and I think that's the right one. Sadly, we can't reactivate it. Under our privacy policy with regard to content ownership, I am afraid this is simply a failing that we currently can offer no solution for. Your point is very valid and we will consider this scenario in the future in case we can think of a better solution but, for now, the best I can do is offer apologies that you wasted time with a course that another owner deleted, and also thank you for highlighting this issue that may also affect others in the future.
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Just discussed this, it is something we have intended to solve. There is actually task in the list for a future release to show a warning to the course owner if they try to delete it along the lines of "Warning, X other users have used your course. If you delete it, it will also remove their ability to continue learning. Please consider setting your course to unlisted". That doesn't help your current situation at all, but I just wanted to highlight our awareness of the issue.
Chris Chamberlin
Chris Chamberlin
New Entrant

Level: 9
Streak: 0
I love your program but I can't see spending any time using a course that might disappear without warning or trace. One possible solution would be to allow/encourage people to donate their course to a course library. Much like a physical library, one a course is donated, it becomes property of the community. I'm recreating a genki course from the textbook and would be happy to give it to the community so that others could benefit from it even when I'm done with it if that were an option.
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
It's a good idea. Perhaps an additional privacy option like "Library public" which makes it undeletable and guarantees reliability
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