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Forum: General Questions
Locked Levels after last update

Chris Chamberlin
Chris Chamberlin
New Entrant

Level: 9
Streak: 0
Until the last update I've never had any levels locked, either on Japanese Genki 1 or my own course. I use levels in the the chapter to create small subsets of words that I want to learn. Such as the days of the week. I also am using a tutor and she goes back and forth in the textbook so having to unlock levels doesn't make much sense. I might need to learn Chapter 6 before chapter 4, for example. Please add a setting to enable or disable locking. This is a great program and I don't want to have to go back to physical flashcards.



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hello, I think I understand the problem here. When new levels are added, they will automatically lock the levels which follow in the new update. There is a way round this: if you click "edit chapters", you can click on the link between levels and delete it. If there are no links, the levels should be unlocked. If that doesn't help, we are considering an option to remove the auto-link function.
Chris Chamberlin
Chris Chamberlin
New Entrant

Level: 9
Streak: 0
Thanks! That worked! I love memory because it allows me to study the way I want to. So many programs force you down a path but everybody learns differently.
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