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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Bulk ad pictures?


Level: 9
Streak: 0
Hey! I would love if there could be a faster way to ad pictures within the levels! Almost all my questions will include a picture since I'm studdying botanic and my questions will mostly be about identifying plants, so Q: picture of a plant, A: scientific name. Love this platform, can't wait until it's avaliable as an app! Hugs, Malin



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hi, Thanks for the suggestion, we want to make all data entry as fast as possible. Are you uploading files or searching for them in the image search? How can we speed this up? Which part of the process do you find slow? (e.g. having to click the image icon, drag file from desktop, having to do them 1 by 1 etc)

Level: 9
Streak: 0
Hello again, Thanks for the reply! Yes so the part I'm finding slow is the last one you mentioned -having to upload them 1 by 1. My suggestion is to have a button next to the 'bulk ad questions' that might be called 'bulk ad pictures'. By clicking on that button you would be able to upload many pictures at the same time from your desktop, by being able to mark several files in one go. The pictures you're uploading will end up one by one in their own new question. Then, when that's done you'll manually have to ad the text to the questions and answers. This will increase the speed of making picture-questions remarkably, for me at least, since it goes so much faster to write in the few words to each question, compared to all of the clicks I'll have to do to upload pictures one by one to each question. Thanks, hugs!
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Forgot to follow up. Thanks again for this suggestion. It can be done and we understand your use case, but it's a big task.... I can't promise this will be any time soon. I've added it to the vote-for list.
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