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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Course Edit - user friendly level / chapter selection

Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar

Level: 39
Streak: 0
Hi Memory team, I noticed that with the latest update, the level/chapter selection menu when editing a course was changed considerably. Unfortunately, it is a bit harder to navigate, especially since the first level of the first chapter is always expanded by default, so in order to edit any other level, you have to scroll down quite a bit in order to select it. Can an option to collapse the current level/chapter selection be added? And maybe also not expand this by default? To be honest, I preferred the previous menu, since I rarely need to find a specific term in a certain level, and if I need to search for one, I can just use the browser's search function. Thanks!



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hi again, thanks for reporting this. I understand you to say you prefer the previous menu, and there is no need for the current level to be expanded by default with questions since they are already shown. We are looking at that to see how we can improve it, and thanks for highlighting the issue.
Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar

Level: 39
Streak: 0
Thank you for addressing this issue so quickly! The menu is much neater now and the page is loading way faster 😃
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Glad that is working better. It was hard to find a balance between huge courses with 10s of chapters/levels and those with 1 / 2 but collapsing the questions was a great idea which seems to work for all
Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar

Level: 39
Streak: 0
Closing as fixed. Thanks 🙂
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