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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Memory needs your input! What new features are most important to you?

Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
At Memory, we are always working on adding many new features. The list never stops growing, but the main things we are currently focusing on are below. Feel free to give your input on what you think is most important to you. We will take all replies to this post as an extra vote to help us prioritise. - New languages - e.g. Vietnamese, Croatian, Filipino - Folders - add your course to a folder and share it with others - Better explanations / help for new users, e.g. introduction to user settings - Better support for Safari - Improved speaking recognition - Make streaks based on user time zone instead of our own 24 hour clock - More learning modes, e.g. crossword, multi-selection multiple choice - Allow users to add content to levels to give a better introduction to their courses instead of making them jump straight into questions - A real Spanish version of Memory (we bought, but haven't used it yet!) - Maths type courses - with equation support - Android / IOS App Please reply and let us know what is most important to you - we appreciate your feedback.



Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar

Level: 39
Streak: 0
1. Make streaks based on user time zone instead of our own 24-hour clock 2. Better explanations/help for new users, e.g. introduction to user settings I have quite specific settings for my courses, so I cannot really relate to the other features in this post, although they might be important for other users. For example, for the App, super useful for most users I would say, but not something I would necessarily use. I would also add - 3. More learning modes, e.g. crossword, multi-selection multiple-choice, but again from my perspective what is needed here is a better way of handling new words in typing mode (already added a suggestion for this) and maybe a new practice mode that will let users review some of the questions on which they are performing poorly (based on the number of times wrong for example). Would also help to have a way of informing course creators if there are questions/answers that are pretty similar in content and might cause trouble for their users so that they can adjust the content, add better hints or alternative answers. Hope this helps!
Obliged Mailman
Obliged Mailman
New Entrant

Level: 2
Streak: 0
I sent this by email but found this also. I came to this site because I wanted ad-free flashcard learning without subscribing Easy import - check Shuffles cards correctly - check App - no check (!) App with offline mode - no check This is not much use to me without an app at all. I tried the homescreen version but it's clumsy and if I have a dodgy network connection it's game over or error screen or just waiting ages for the next question!! Sorry, hope this helps!
Sanjeev Support
Sanjeev Support
My middle name = CRUD

Level: 0
Streak: 0
Streak time zone should be now functional. All prior searched-for languages are now in system. All new languages should work with audio / speaking with test cases. My add: - Improved notification for practice due. Remind me when I have <20|50|x> questions due by <email|app push|sms> Also: - Would be nice to have better issue reporting system for better feedback direct to developer (maybe also less flashcards focus, more typing - more possibilities 😃)
it's me, Tonks

Level: 5
Streak: 0
These are my opinions for adding new features: - new languages - more learning modes - math type courses - android/IOS app
Emma Rochon
Emma Rochon
New Entrant

Level: 0
Streak: 0
I would really love if it was possible to make the text uncentered and the ability to make bullet points and to have different levels of bullet points. Thanks!
Blotty Society
Blotty Society
New Entrant

Level: 1
Streak: 0
Would like to see: Text formatting for flashcards: Justification left/right/centre, bullet points / list items (like poster above says) i.e. real bullet points instead of typing hypen, text colors, more than 1 image Also, create course could have better help or be more intuitive. It takes a bit of time to figure it out
Painful Request
Painful Request
New Entrant

Level: 0
Streak: 0
I was hoping to see support for classrooms. By that I mean the ability to create a class and schedule a time and invite students to it. And I would need a dashboard to see all students' progress for remote learning. I need to know how many questions they are answering correctly and how long they are attending, whether they are leaving the keyboard or not. The times they log in, out. I looked around and I see the folders as an option, but I don't think it helps me monitor the students unless I have missed something (I read a lot of the documentation). This may be a big ask, but it is just a suggestion and I don't know if it's on your roadmap of whether you can implement such a thing, but: What would be really good is for a live dashboard of all students in the session I can watch. There are other sites I use which *kind* of work like that - we cannot pay a subscription - we were looking at this one specifically to see if it could be done.
erdinc sahin
erdinc sahin
New Entrant

Level: 16
Streak: 0
i would like to see a feature to add example sentences that include the word we are going to memorise, for me hearing of pronounciation of these sentences is very effective way of learning.
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Thank you for all ideas so far. We are considering all of these suggestions and will continue to consider any new ideas posted here. To comment on a few of the above ideas: - Improved typing mode with better support for new words is something we are trying some ideas out based on Andreaa's other thread and other ideas. It is a problem we need to improve. The idea of adding an example-sentence is a good one and we will consider how to integrate this. - I can confirm classrooms are already under development - they have been for a while, but we have recently increased its priority. - Ability to justify text left/right/formatting/colors is an addition which we will add, this ties in with a project with the ability to add colors and styles to questions - I am afraid this is of lower priority currently, if it's important to you please let us know. - We are planning to add a "Practice my worst questions" option to practice mode based on the above suggestion. For now, you can select the "Worst question" option in user settings whilst in practice mode, but there is no facility to isolate them right now. - If there are any language requests, please state the language and we will can it (note: we have already added all languages for which we can provide auto-audio). If you click Supported languages in the footer, any of the "coming soon" can be added easily. - Sad to report: Android / ios app is not currently under development until we have a more comprehensive fundamental-feature-set fully in place. We considered creating a "Lite" version for quick revision, but have decided not to go with this. Please do not place in hope of waiting for an app version for now, for it would be at least a few months away.
Lett Darkelfest
Lett Darkelfest
New Entrant

Level: 4
Streak: 0
I added a list of words to learn, started learning them so that they all became memorized. Already studied words began to repeat, for these words "due to" increased as much as 4 days. That's a lot. In other SRS, new words must be repeated the next day, regardless of how many times you entered it correctly on that day. This approach to learning seems slightly useless. There is no control over words, there is no "you studied all words for today, but may keep repeating if you wish"
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
We have fully understood your concern and your comparison with other SRS systems. New users are entered into a lucky dip where we test with various algorithms. We can't use existing users for testing, so sorry you feel into that bracket because, I note that during your stay you were on a near-vanilla SM-2 algorithm, and understand this is not suitable for you, even though it is highly popular. We will consider how to approach this problem and thank you for your interest.
New Entrant

Level: 9
Streak: 0
Android/IOS and more learning modes Thank you Memory
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Any suggestions for learning modes?
Lady Bird
Lady Bird
New Entrant

Level: 4
Streak: 0
1. Please allow course editors to arrange the chapters in alphabetical order. 2. In flashcard mode it is better if the answers are not centre-aligned.
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
1) - Can do this - do you mean to permanently rearrange them into a-Z order? Or do you mean as a temporary view on the same screen (i.e. view in a-Z, but do not resave that orde 2) We have an an option to justify left aligned. There is a bit of work going on for it. You can vote for 2) at the top of this page.
Academia Sofía
Academia Sofía
New Entrant

Level: 18
Streak: 0
All are good, however the most important are speaking mode, following by listening mode , gaps mode, but there is another mode I would like to have scramble another for sentences, that will be great. Thank you to make this app.
Academia Sofía
Academia Sofía
New Entrant

Level: 18
Streak: 0
1. Improved speaking recognition 2. More learning modes, e.g. crossword, multi-selection multiple choice 4. Android / IOS App Thank you and god bless you.
Anan Abdalah
Anan Abdalah
New Entrant

Level: 13
Streak: 0
i want to upgrade my level how can I do it?
Jessica Dunn
Jessica Dunn

Level: 0
Streak: 0
Hi! I would love to help check out my bio it has changed my life!
Jenai Lee
Jenai Lee
New Entrant

Level: 3
Streak: 0
Be able to analyse data and which words/terms are most difficult for students.
André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
It would be great to make the algorithm settings general for all your courses instead of one by one. And if you want to make a specific course in a different setting, it overrides the general. What you guys think? Thanks again for this space!
Alistair Lawrie
Alistair Lawrie
New Entrant

Level: 8
Streak: 0
The ability for Memory to spot different languages in the same answer when reading it out. I have Japanese and English in answers but the Japanese speech software tries to say English words but with Japanese pronunciation. It would be good if it was able to swap languages on the fly. Should this be too complicated, a tick box to disable the speech software from trying to repeat certain questions or answers that I already know the system will struggle with, without removing the functionality from the entire course.
Nhien Nguyen
Nhien Nguyen
New Entrant

Level: 1
Streak: 0
New languages please. i.e Vietnamese and apps on Android and IOS
The Red RC Car Man
The Red RC Car Man
The Red RC Car Man

Level: 19
Streak: 0
Make your IOS app FAST!😀

Link to course:

Exploring Creation With Science Module #8
The Red RC Car Man
The Red RC Car Man
The Red RC Car Man

Level: 19
Streak: 0
Remove and/or move the "Questions Due For Practice" button away from the Bottom Right of your screen. It is always in the way.

Link to course:

Exploring Creation With Science Module #8
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
They have added a 'hide this' button to the course speed dial in the next release, out of interest. Which browser are you using when it gets in the way?
Manish Tandon
Manish Tandon
New Entrant

Level: 10
Streak: 0
gif support requested to memory i uploaded a gif with my flashcard but it is not playing it show like a still image requested you to add gif support. thankyou
New Entrant

Level: 4
Streak: 0
Add Belgian Dutch audio please, because for the moment they are only voices with a Dutch accent instead of a flemish one.
The Gradebooster Academy
The Gradebooster Academy
Every day is an opportunity to excel!

Level: 4
Streak: 0
Hi! newbie here! I am so happy to have found you, and I still can't believe this is all free. Thank you so much! How do I upload images to my flashcards? And can I use videos and gifs?

Link to course:
The Gradebooster Academy

Learn French Basics
Jake Billingsly
Jake Billingsly
New Entrant

Level: 10
Streak: 0
a way to navigate back to the recent question in flashcards if I clicked Right But should have clicked Wrong
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