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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Push notification for due questions and repetition

André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
Hi!! First I would like to thank all of you responsable for this incredible website! Second, I have a sujestion that, or I couldn"t find, or doesn't exist a push notification for due questions. Like a reminder outsite the website that it is time for you to exercise. It would be great have an option to turn it on for that, and be reminded that for precise space repetitions. Thanks again! This site rocks! 😁



Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
Hi, thanks for the positive feedback. We did look into push notifications - but decided it would need an app install to work reliably. The email streak reminder is currently the only option We're still working on the mobile app which has push notifications. It's just taking a lot longer than expected. Sorry about that.😥
André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
Hi! Thanks for the reply! Just to see if I can help you shedding some light on that cause I have some knowledge on the matter (not like you guys, but maybe I can shed some light on the idea). I understand that, correct if I'm wrong, if you are logged on, and leave the website open, you can receive push notifications, right? I was talking about that, if the user let the window of the navigator opened, the person could receive the push notification as long the tab with remains open. And to acomplish this, you don't need an app installed to work. Again, sorry if I'm being ignorant on the matter. Just trying to make a sugestion to improve, maybe, memory's usability. 😃 Cheers!
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
Thanks for the input and getting us thinking about this again - yes, we could add it. We could use push notifications via a service worker on the mobile 'app', but that would only work if the user has added it to their home screen or leaves the tab open (and authorises consent). Problem is: priority. The % of users who use mobile is so low and we have so many issues with V4 to resolve..... But you are right, we could do it your way as a temporary solution until we have a native mobile app. Previously, we had a chrome extension to do this functionality - we removed that due to lack of interest. It had 2 settings: 1) Ping me when X questions are due (e.g. 20) 2) Ping me up to (1x day/2xday/6 hours) Is that the kind of thing you are looking for?
André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
So cool! I know how devs have lists of priorities! But again, thanks for the reply! I already imagine you had something like that in mind, or already tried. I said that because there are so many websites that push this to you and usually I deny beasue of lack of real functionality (usually is just something marketing wise...). But I allow when I see something that makes sense to me in a way, and your website makes totally sense to have some kind of funcionality that covers this reminder like: "Hey, now it is about time you repeat that list again." Based on due tasks. So yes, this is what I was looking for. Based on the science of repetition to memory things, I thougth this could really be something people would allow as a push notification. See if this gain traction in the forum and consider as a future update if you think this could be integrated with the mobile. Cheers!
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