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level: Level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3

yesterday (n-adv,n-t)昨日 (きのう)
nine (num)九 (きゅう)
beef (n)牛肉 (ぎゅうにく)
milk (n)牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう)
today, this day (n-t)今日 (きょう)
classroom (n)教室 (きょうしつ)
siblings (brothers and sisters) (n)兄弟 (きょうだい)
last year (n-adv,n-t)去年 (きょねん)
dislike, hate (na-adj,n)嫌い (きらい)
to cut, to chop (suf,u-v)切る (きる)
to wear, to put on (from shoulders down) (ru-v)着る (きる)
pretty, clean, nice, tidy (na-adj)きれい
kilo (kilogram) (n,pref)キロ/キログラム
kilo (kilometre) (n,pref)キロ/キロメートル
bank (n)銀行 (ぎんこう)
Friday (n-adv,n)金曜日 (きんようび)
medicine (n)薬 (くすり)
(with te-form verb) please do for me (kana only)ください
fruit (n)果物 (くだもの)
mouth, orifice, opening (n)口 (くち)
shoes, footwear (n)靴 (くつ)
socks (n)靴下 (くつした)
country (n)国 (くに)
cloudiness, cloudy weather (adv)曇り (くもり)
to become cloudy, to become dim (u-v)曇る (くもる)
dark, gloomy (adj)暗い (くらい)
approximate (quantity) (suf)~くらい/ぐらい
class (n)クラス
gram (n)グラム
to come (vk)来る (くる)
car, vehicle (n)車 (くるま)
black (n)黒 (くろ)
black (adj)黒い (くろい)
policeman (n)警官 (けいかん)
this morning (n-temp)今朝 (けさ)
to erase, to delete, to turn off power (u-v)消す (けす)
nice, enough (na-adj,n-adv,n)結構 (けっこう)
marriage (adj-no,n,vs)結婚 (けっこん(する))
Monday (n-adv,n)月曜日 (げつようび)
entrance-way, entry hall (n)玄関 (げんかん)
health, energetic, healthy (na-adj,n)元気 (げんき)
counter for small items (n,suf)~個 (~こ)
five (num)五 (ご)
word, language (n,n-suf)~語 (~ご)
(public) park (n)公園 (こうえん)
intersection (n)交差点 (こうさてん)
black tea (n)紅茶 (こうちゃ)
police box (n)交番 (こうばん)
voice (n)声 (こえ)
coat (n)コート
coffee (n)コーヒー
here, this place (n)ここ
afternoon, P.M. (n-adv,n-t)午後 (ごご)
nine days, the ninth day (of the month)九日 (ここのか)
nine (things) (n)九つ (ここのつ)
morning, A.M. (n-adv,n-t)午前 (ごぜん)
to answer, to reply (ru-v)答える (こたえる)
this eg: person, way (polite) (n)こちら
this eg: person, way (n)こっち
cup (2) (n)コップ
this year (n-adv,n-t)今年 (ことし)
word (n)言葉 (ことば)
child, children (n)子供 (こども)
this (adj-pn,int)この
rice (cooked), meal (n)御飯 (ごはん)
to copy (n,p-suru)コピー・する
to be worried, to be bothered (u-v)困る (こまる)
this (int,n)これ
about, approximately (time) (n-suf)~ころ/~ごろ
this month (n-adv,n-t)今月 (こんげつ)
this week (n-adv,n-t)今週 (こんしゅう)
such, like this (na-adj,adj-pn,adv,n)こんな
tonight, this evening (n-adv,n-t)今晩 (こんばん)
come now, well (conj,int)さあ
~years-old (suf)~歳 (~さい)
wallet (n)財布 (さいふ)
fish (n)魚 (さかな)
the future, former, previous (adj-no,n,n-suf,pref)先 (さき)
to bloom (u-v)咲く (さく)
composition, writing (n)作文 (さくぶん)
to raise (stretch out) hands, to raise (eg umbrella) (u-v)差す (さす)
counter for books (n)~冊 (~さつ)
magazine (n)雑誌 (ざっし)
sugar (n)砂糖 (さとう)
cold (e.g. weather) (adj)寒い (さむい)
year after next (n-adv,n-t)さ来年 (さらいねん)
Mr or Mrs (suf)~さん
three (num)三 (さん)
walk, stroll (n,vs)散歩 (さんぽ(する))
four (num)四 (し)
time (~ O'clock) (suf)~時 (~じ)
salt (n)塩 (しお)
however, but (conj)しかし
time (n-adv,n)時間 (じかん)
~hours (suf)~時間 (~じかん)
work, occupation, employment (adj-no,n)仕事 (しごと)
dictionary (n)辞書 (じしょ)
quiet, peaceful (na-adj)静か (しずか)
under, below, beneath (n)下 (した)