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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

to gather, to collect, to assemble (u-intransitive)集る (あつまる)
within (1)(n)うち (2)
Ah (int)
like that, that way (int)ああ (2)
greeting (n,vs)あいさつ・する
space, interval (n)間 (あいだ)
to fit, to match (u-v)合う (あう)
baby, infant (n)あかちゃん
to rise, to go up (u-v)上がる (あがる)
baby (n)赤ん坊 (あかんぼう)
to open, to become empty (u-v,vi)空く (あく)
accessory (n)アクセサリー
to give (ru-v)あげる
shallow, superficial (adj)浅い (あさい)
flavour, taste (adj-na,n)味 (あじ)
Asia (n)アジア
tomorrow (n-t)明日 (あす)
play (n,n-suf)遊び (あそび)
to collect, to assemble, to gather (ru-v, transitive)集める (あつめる)
announcer (n)アナウンサー
Africa (n)アフリカ
America (n)アメリカ
to apologize (u-v)謝る (あやまる)
alcohol (n)アルコール
part-time job (n)アルバイト
peace of mind, relief (adj-na,n, vs)安心 (あんしん)
safety, security (adj-na,n)安全 (あんぜん)
such, like that (adj-na,adj-pn)あんな
information, guidance (n,vs)案内 (あんない・する)
less than, below (n)以下 (いか)
with the exception of, excepting (n)以外 (いがい)
medical science (n)医学 (いがく)
to live, to exist (ru-v)生きる (いきる)
however much one may ~いくら~ても
opinion, view (n)意見 (いけん)
stone (n)石 (いし)
to tease, to torment (ru-v)いじめる
more than, this is all (n-adv,n-t)以上 (いじょう)
to hurry, to rush (u-v)急ぐ (いそぐ)
(hum) to do (u-v)致す (いたす)
to receive, to take food or drink (hum) (u-v)いただく
once, one time (n-adv)一度 (いちど)
as well as one can, with utmost effort (adj-na,n-adv,n)一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい)
full, to the utmost (adv)いっぱい
thread (n,n-suf)糸 (いと)
within, inside of (n,n-suf)以内 (いない)
rural, countryside (giku n)田舎 (いなか)
to pray, to wish (u-v,vi)祈る (いのる)
(hon) to be, to come, to go (aru-v)いらっしゃる
member of ~ (n-suf)~員 (~いん)
to plant, to grow (ru-v)植える (うえる)
to visit (u-v,vi,vt)うかがう (2)
to ask (u-v,vi,vt)うかがう
reception (desk), information ガス (n)受付 (うけつけ)
to take (lesson, test), to undergo (ru-v)受ける (うける)
to move (u-v,vi)動く (うごく)
lie (n)うそ
to hit, to strike (u-v)打つ (うつ)
beautiful, lovely (adj)美しい (うつくしい)
to copy, to photograph, to film (u-v)写す (うつす)
to move (house), to transfer (department) (u-v)移る (うつる)
arm (n)腕 (うで)
delicious (adj)うまい
reverse side, wrong side, back (n)裏 (うら)
place where things are sold, stall (adj-no,n)売り場 (うりば)
happy, glad (adj)うれしい
yes (informal), alright (n)うん
driver, chauffeur (n)運転手 (うんてんしゅ)
driving (n,vs)運転 (うんてん・する)
exercise (n,vs)運動 (うんどう・する)
escalator (n)エスカレーター
branch, twig (n)枝 (えだ)
to choose, to select (v5b)選ぶ (えらぶ)
restraint, reserve (adj-na,n,vs)遠慮 (えんりょ・する)
(hon)to be (u-v)おいでになる
congratulations, celebration (n)お祝い (おいわい)
motorcycle (lit: auto-bi(ke)) (n)オートバイ
overcoat (adj-na,n,vs)オーバー
thanks to, owing to (n)おかげ
strange, funny (adj)おかしい
after every ~~おき
100,000,000, hundred million (num)億 (おく)
rooftop (n)屋上 (おくじょう)
present, gift (n)贈り物 (おくりもの)
to send (a thing), to dispatch (u-v)送る (おくる)
to be late, to be delayed (ru-v)遅れる (おくれる)
(someone else's) child (n)お子さん (おこさん)
to wake someone (u-v)起こす (おこす)
to perform, to do, to carry out (u-v)行う (おこなう)
to get angry, to be angry (u-v)怒る (おこる)
closet (n)押し入れ (おしいれ)
(1) (hon) daughter, (2) young lady (n)お嬢さん (おじょうさん)
(pol) your house, your home (n)お宅 (おたく)
to fall, to drop (ru-v)落ちる (おちる)
(hon) to say, to speak (aru-v)おっしゃる
husband (n)夫 (おっと)
change (money), balance (n)おつり
sound, note (n,n-suf)音 (おと)
to drop, to lose (u-v)落す (おとす)
dance (n)踊り (おどり)