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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

Control group, Pre and Post testing, Random Allocation, Hypothesis TestingExperimental Investigation design features
IV can be controlled, control over extraneous variables, cause and effect relationship is determined, replication is possible due to strict conditions, can assess through qualitative or quantitativeExperimental Investigation Advantages
May not relate to real world, possible unethical or impossible to randomly assign and elimination of extraneous variables is not always possibleExperimental Investigation Disadvantages
A group separated from the experiment so the Iv cannot influence the results, used to compare groupsControl group
research participants are randomly assigned and is used to obtain a sample that reflects the populationRandom assignment
The variable that is manipulated or changedIndependent Variable
The variable that is used to observe and measure the effects of the IVDependent Variable
The variable other than the IV that can change the DV (outside factors that change the result)Extraneous variable
Individual characteristics that impacts the experiment (avoided with random allocation and large sample size)Participant variable
Response influenced by expectations (single blind procedure used to eliminate this)Placebo effect
Extraneous variables involving personal characteristics of the experimenter (avoided with double blind procedure)Experimenter effects
Biological, Basic, Person, Socio culturalFour levels of explanation
Genetics, chemical processes, brain structure and function (flight or fight)Biological level
Thoughts, memory, learningBasic processes
Personality, individual differences in behaviour ( age, class, education)Person
Influences from people around you on your behaviour (stereotypes, culture, peer groups)Socio-cultural level
Numerical information about the quantity or amount of what is being studiedQuantitative data
Information about the qualities or characteristics of what is being studiedQualitative data
No researcher bias and easier to compare and generaliseQuantitative Advantages
Often not possible (understanding why the responded as they did)Quantitative Disadvantages
Explanations - unrestricted responsesQualitative Advantages
Open for interpretationQualitative Disadvantages
Based on measurements of a participants responseObjective Data
Based on self reportsSubjective Data
Often not possible to verify, Assumes responses are honest and accurate, often biased and difficult to interpret accuratelySubjective Data Disadvantages
Eliminates personal factors , no biasObjective Data Advantages
Collect quantitative data by observing pre existing variables ( gender, age)Quantitative Observational Design
IV and DV, Can have control group, investigates differences between groupsQuantitative observational features
Can investigate unethical or impossible variables under an experimental design, some kinds of behaviour can only be observed in a natural settingQuantitative observational Advantages
No cause and effect relationship, No replication, observer bias may influence results, no generalisationQuantitative observational Disadvanatges
Only collects qualitative data - Info gathered usually from interviews or surveys - Focus group and delphi techniqueQualitative Investigation design
Gives people the chance to respond naturally, deeper explanations - focus group + Delphi techniqueQualitative Investigation Features
6-12 participants, discussion lead by trained facilitator, focused and open ended questions are asked and participants are encourage to speak freelyFocus Group
Group does not need to be together, Responses do not need to be in written format, Participants are considered experts in the fieldDelphi Technique
Convenient, in depth data, People who cannot read or write can still give data, encourages people to shareFocus group advantages
People may not feel comfortable, Some may dominate discussion, Results cant be generalised, presence of observer may influenece behaviourFocus group Disadvantages
Easy to organise, inexpensive, convenient, no peer pressure, avoids heated conversationsDelphi Technique advantages
can force a consensus, researcher bias, cant generalise to wider population, doesnt allow participants to discuss issuesDelphi technique Disadvantages
Whether a test meausres what is claims to measureValidity
Lack external validity because can predict what would happen in the 'real' worldExternal validity
Consistency and stability of resultsReliability
A small group of participants selected from a larger group (population)Sample
entire group of research interestPopulation
sample which doesn't reflect the population due to size, bias and lack internal validityUnrepresentative sample
Procedure researchers use to make sense of the underlying meaning of qualitative data - data is subjectiveContent analysis
1. organise the data, 2. identify groups of comments that are similar, 3. keep track of similarities, present dataContent analysis of focus group
used to analyse and describe dataDescriptive statistics
distribution of scores, dispersion, central tendency3 characteristics of descriptive statistics
mean,median,modeCentral tendency
normal positively skewed negatively skewedDistribution of scores
variability in distributionDispersion
how far on average a score differs from the meanStandard deviation
frequency distribution,tables,graphsGraphic representation data
conclude or judge from evidenceInferential statistics
Confidentiality, voluntary participation, right to withdraw, informed consent, debriefing, accurate reporting, professional conductEthics in psychology