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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

to cookkochen, garen
to get, to obtain, to receivebekommen
to sitsitzen
I'm sorryEs tut mir leid
the fruitdas Obst
to earn, to deserveverdienen
to serve (your country)dienen
to ownbesitzen
to inviteeinladen
to eatessen
to introducevorstellen
to imaginesich vorstellen
to belong, to belong togehören
easy, simpleeinfach
to uploadhochladen
the juiceder Saft
to translateübersetzen
back thendamals
through (Ex. through the window)durch
to injure, to harm, to offend, to hurtverletzen
to thinkdenken
to runlaufen (slower), rennen (faster)
to order (at a restaurant)bestellen
to go for a walkspazieren gehen
to discoverentdecken
the vegetables (always plural)die Gemüse
to get dressedsich anziehen
the dressdas Kleid
to die, to pass awaysterben
to suggestvorschlagen
the weekdie Woche
the tableder Tisch
to shareteilen
See you soon!, See ya!, C ya!Bis bald!
to catchfangen
to serve (food)servieren
to hold, to halthalten
to leaveverlassen
to miss (a person who is gone)vermissen
to save (money)sparen
to rise, to increase, to climbsteigen
to guess, to adviseraten
to seesehen
to besein
to know (a fact)wissen
to sleepschlafen
to drinktrinken
the bookdas Buch
the chairder Stuhl
the milkdie Milch
the meatdas Fleisch
the eggdas Ei
the housedas Haus
the cardas Auto
the catdie Katze
the dogder Hund
the horsedas Pferd
the sundie Sonne
the waterdas Wasser
the lightdas Licht
the motherdie Mutter
the fatherder Vater
the childdas Kind
the brotherder Bruder
the sisterdie Schwester
to go, to walkgehen
to loseverlieren
to make, to domachen
to havehaben
to wantwollen
to understandverstehen
to laughlachen
to smilelächeln
to pullziehen
to pushdrücken
to comekommen
to standstehen
to breakbrechen
to lovelieben
to live (i.e., to be alive)leben
the sonder Sohn
the daughterdie Tochter
the auntdie Tante
the uncleder Onkel
the eyedas Auge
the eardas Ohr
the nosedie Nase
the mouthder Mund
the headder Kopf
the armder Arm
the legdas Bein
the handdie Hand
the clockdie Uhr