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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

India is so large it is often called asubcontinent
Mountains ______ India from the rest of Asiaseperate
Northest: The ______ the world's highest mountain.Himalayas
Northwest: The Hindu Kush provide _____ from enemiesprotection
The Hindu Kush is a mountain range in the ____ part of China.northwest
India's _____, season wind patterns, cause wet and dry seasons.monsoons
During the ____, monsoons can cause heavy rains and flooding.(as much as 20 inches of rain)summer
Harrappan civilization developed along the _____Indus River
created a system ofweights and measures
created the___ system of writing in Indiafirst
houses used_____ plumbingindoor
_____, Mohenjo Daro, and Kalibangan all have similar constructionHarrappa
The _____ migration to India changed the region's civilizationAryan
Like the ______, early civilizations settled in the Indus Valley.Harrapppans
communities that were made from a clan, or many family membersgrama
wrote their thoughts about the Vedas and these became Vedic textsBranmins
described the religious rituals of early HinduismVedic texts
One collection describes _____, including sacrifice.rituals
Another describes _____ ritualssecret
____ society divided into groups.Aryans
Most groups were organized by___occupation
Vedic texts collected ____ religious traditionsHindu
A blend of many ____ ideasreligious
No founder and no set of agreed upon_____beliefs
____ of the Indian religiousOldes
3 main gods in Hindu representcreation, destruction, and preservation
Hindu emphasizesnonviolence
When a person is____, his or her new form is determined by karma.(Hindu)reborn
(Hinduism ) the effects that good or bad actions have on a person's soulkarma
Good or bad karma is determined by a person's life____choices
Rites of passage,_____, are still practiced today.Samskaras
rites of passage to prepare a person for an event or next stage of lifeSamskaras
Jainism established as an _____ to hindu ritualismalternative
Based on the teachings of_____, who abandoned his life of luxury to become a monk. (Jainism)Mahavira
Jainism emphasizes____, much like the religion of hinduismnonviolence
Founded by ____ Nanak in the AD 1400s. (Sikhism)iGuru
Sikhism ismonotheistic
Sikhism Beliefs, _____, living truthfully, and equality of all peoplemonotheistic
Male followers, and many women, woreturbans
Kshatriyasrulers and warriors
Sudrasworkers, servants, and non-Aryans
Vaisyasfarmers, craftspeople, and traders