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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

1 power of 10order of magnitude
particles which make up matterfermions
particles which give rise to forces (force mediating particles)bosons
particles which exist on their ownleptons
group which protons and neutrons belonghadrons
what hadrons are made up ofquarks
made up of 3 quarksbaryons
made up of a quark and an anti-quark pairmesons
protons quark structureuud (+1)
neutrons quark structureudd (0)
provides evidence for the neutrinobeta decay
6 quarks and 6 leptons which physicists believe are not made up of smaller particlesfundamental particles
holds particles of the same charge together. stronger than electrostatic repulsion that forces particles apart. gluon in the exchange particlestrong force
involved in radioactive beta decay. W and Z bosons are the exchange particlesweak nuclear force
stops electron from flying out the atom. exchange particle is the photon.electromagnetic force
holds matter in planets, stars and galaxies. exchange particle is the gravitongravitational force
when a particle and anti-particle meet, they...annihilate each other
the strength of the field decreases as you move away from the chargeradial fields
field lines equally spaced between parallel plates, meaning the field strength is constantuniform fields
shows where a positively charged particle would movearrows
gives an indication of the strength of the forcespacing between field lines
cathode ray tube, paint spraying, photocopying/laser printing and pollution control are all...uses of electric fields
1 joule per coloumb1 volt
a measure of energy that has been transferredwork done
when a current flows through a wire a _______ is producedmagnetic field
the direction of the magnetic field depends on thedirection of current flow
particles are accelerated in a straight line using electric fieldslinear accelerator
a combination of electric and magnetic fields are used to accelerate particles in a circular pathcyclotrons and synchrotrons
particle accelerators were invented to...investigate the structure of the atomic nucleus
increase the speed of particles. the force is constant in a uniform electric field so the particles are accelerated in a straight lineelectric fields
mass no. decreases by 4, atomic no. decreases by 2alpha decay
mass no. unchanged, atomic no increases by 1 (converts down quark to an up quark)beta decay
accompanies alpha and beta radiation with gamma radiation.gamma decay
nucleus with large mass number splits into two nuclei, which have two smaller mass numbers. neutrons are released and it may be spontaneous or induced.fission
mass is a form ofenergy
when masses before and after fission/fusion are compared accurately, there is amass difference
the total mass before fission/fusion is_____ than the total mass of the product(s)greater
decreasing mass causes an equivalent amount of_____ to be producedenergy
two nuclei combine to form a nucleus of a larger mass numberfusion
power per unit areairradiance
emits radiations in all directionspoint source
electrons are ejected from a metal surface when exposed to electromagnetic radiationphotoelectric emission
the minimum frequency required to cause photoemissionthreshold frequency
the minimum energy required to remove an electron from a metalwork function
produced by electrons being shared between many atoms, giving a huge range of possible frequenciescontinuous spectra
only light of specific frequencies and specific colours are produced. used to identify elementsline spectra
when photons of light pass through a gas, photons with the same energy as the energy gaps can be absorbedabsorption spectra
lowest energy level where the electron orbit is closest to the nucleusground state
when an electron gains energy and moves to a higher energy level, which is further away from the nucleusexcited state
when an electron has gained enough energy to leave the atomionisation state