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level: grammar

Questions and Answers List

level questions: grammar

cuales son los usos del presente simpleTo discribe rutines, habits, and permanet facts.
menciona stative verbslike love, agree,belong,depend,hate,hear,matter,need,prefer,mean,want,suppose,realize,seem,forget,rembember
¿cual es el uso del preset progrssive o continue?actions happening now,temporally situations,near future arrengements.
¿´para que usamos will?for espontanius decions,promise,offers,request,predictions without evidence
¿para que usamos going to?for plans ,intencions,predictions with evidence
para que se usa each other.When is mutual situation
meciona " time spreassions " de presente simplealways oftten, in the morning, in the afternoon, sometimes, everyday,wekend, month
menciona time espression de present progressiveToday, tonight,right now,tomorrow, next week,now,next year, next month,next friday on next week
auxiliares que se utilizan en pasado simplewas/ were, did didn't + verb in simple form
En que tiempo se le agrega ing?present progresive or continues.
presente simple afirmativosubject + verb( add s when is third person singular)+c
Estructura de presente simple negativosubject+don't or doesn't+verb simple form no add s+ time expression.
Estructura de presente simple interrogativodo or does + subject+verb simple form+c'?
estructura de presente progressivo afirmativoSubject+verb to be (is or are) +verb end ing+c
estructura de presente progressivo negativosubject+verb to be(isn´t or aren't)+verb ing+c
estructura de presente progressivo preguntaAre/is +subject+verb simple form+c?